Chapter 5 - Glassterpieces

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"Ok, I'm not trying to bash on your music or anything, but can we keep it in English for the rest of the trip please," Spizzo requested once they'd pulled in front of their destination in Toowoomba, having had enough of Blackpink being in his area.

He'd never heard that much foreign music in his life, barring the Italian music his grandparents would play when he and his brothers would stay at their place when they were kids. Even then though, he hadn't been locked in a car with no escape.

He was luckily granted a reprieve as he unhooked his seatbelt and opened his door, finally free to get out and stretch his legs. While it hadn't been that long of a drive yet, they were beginning to get a bit stiff.

As Spizzo worked on his impromptu stretch session, Jacob stayed sat in the car as he let the end of his song play. He wasn't too amused at Spizzo's comment, feeling like his music taste had been kicked on a bit.

He was also still a little sensitive with everything going on.

Jacob knew he shouldn't have been stewing in his own sourness, but for the life of him, he couldn't shake the petulant attitude that had sunk in and rooted itself deep the moment Spizzo announced their road trip.

"You gonna come in or stay in the car?" asked Spizzo, arms crossed on the roof of the car as he leant in to look at his passenger through the open car door. He held the position as he waited for a reply, enjoying the stretch it was giving to his upper body.

Apparently the tension that had clouded around them in the car had seeped into his muscles as well.

"I'll... come in," Jacob decided. The longer he stayed in that car, the more he'd piss himself off and put himself in a worse mood. That was the last thing either of them wanted.

Once he'd gotten out the car, Jacob stretched as well, arms wide as he let out a huge yawn. The fatigue of the day after his lack of sleep from the night before had him feeling ready for a nap once they got back onto the road.

Spizzo seemed to have read his mind, commenting, "you can nap soon, this should be quick," as he locked the car with a quick press of the button.

Satisfied, Spizzo made his way towards the house they'd parked in front of. Jacob following a few steps behind, inspecting the house as he approached. It was a quaint home; the weatherboard walls looked like they'd been painted, a pale blue colour washed over them with little clouds aded on top. In the windows, stained glass pieces were on display, showing off the artistry of the person they were about to meet.

As the two men made their way onto the verandah, they both eyed the wooden sign that hung next to the front door with 'Glassterpieces by Kathleen Stokes' hand painted on it.

"Definitely the right place," Spizzo confirmed as he rapped on the wall next to the locked screen door, hoping the more solid surface would get this Kathleen Stokes' attention.

They both waited as they heard a wild shuffle happen on the other side of the door, footsteps scuttling down the hallway as the yaps of small dogs seemed to follow. Once the footsteps approached the door though, there was a pause, a pause that went on a few beats too long that had Jacob wondering if this person was going to pretend that they weren't home — as nonsensical as that seemed.

Spizzo went to knock again a few moments later when the door didn't open as they'd expected, only for it to do so just as his knuckles were about to make contact with the wall.

"Hi I'm James," Spizzo said with a polite smile once they door had opened, quickly dropping his arm back down to his side. "I'm here to pick up my stained glass portrait."

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