003 | the read through

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iii. my heart is buried in venice, waiting for someone to take me home

through the halls on the day of the read through. Andy fiddled with the hem of her Pink Floyd shirt, nervous.

She had never had such a big part in a show before and it made her completely nervous. She didn't want to mess this up.

What also made her worry was the fact that she was going to be playing opposite EJ Caswell, with the man being her love interest on the play.

The two watched as EJ filmed some weird video, Ashlyn running up to him and grabbing a hold of Andys hand to drag her along.

"Say hi to my cousin and my next door neighbour. They are the best. Peace!" He stopped the video, smiling at the two girls as they walked to the theatre with him.

"You're in a good mood, Caswell," Andy said, pushing her hands into the pockets of her denim jacket.

It had become surprisingly easier to talk to him since they started doing the production, neither of them feeling too awkward about their past.

"Thats just for the fans Andy. Inside, I'm a bucket of sad," he explained, Ashlyn laughing at it.

His smile deflated and she could see that he felt awful about his role as Chad even though he was Troys understudy.

"You're still not over the not getting Troy thing?" Ashlyn questioned.

"I put three years into this drama department and now I have to understudy my girlfriends ex," he said with an agitated expression.

"I know it sucks. But maybe it'll be good for you to not get what you want for once," Andy said and he scoffed.

"Why would that be good?" He asked, jokingly pushing her shoulder in annoyance. He smiled down at her and she rolled her eyes, hiding a smile.

She hated that he was making her smile, that she was finding joy from her old best friend.

"Yeah, maybe some people just are what they are," Ashlyn said with a laugh before both the three of them walked into the theatre.

They walked into the theatre, the girls looking at their assigned seats, Andys next to EJ and opposite Ashlyns.

Andy chuckled as she watched Big Red become forced to read the stage directions. He, however, struggled to read out the directions.

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