030 | me and you

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xxx. what time is it, summer
time, its our vacation

ANDY STOOD OUTSIDE OF HER HOUSE as EJ put her suitcase in the trunk, talking to Tommy.

He was going to Orlando with his new girlfriend for the summer, Vivian was
backpacking through Europe before college and Charlie were staying with mum and Uncle James.

She hadn't mentioned it to EJ yet but her mum was ill and they didn't know what was wrong with her. She didn't want to leave but her mum urged her to spend the summer with EJ and forget about her worries.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," Andy said, holding tight onto her mum as she hugged her, her sisters joining the group hug.

"We're going to miss you too," Charlie said with a smile.

"You call me if anything happens mum, you tell the camp," she said and she nodded.

"And you should let EJ know, I'm okay with it and I don't want you suffering on your own," she said, rubbing her hand over her shoulders.

"I'm okay mum, I just want you to be okay," she said, a sad smile on her face.

"You ready Ands?" EJ asked as he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, nuzzling his head into her neck.

Her mum smiled at the couple. She was glad that EJ and Andy were having the high school sweethearts relationship that she'd had with her father. She was wanted her to have a normal summer.

"You two disgust me," Charlie said jokingly, a smile on his face. In reality, she was happy her sister had fallen in love with someone.

The family had been through a lot and for them to have one another at this point and for her to have EJ meant a lot.

"Stop it Charlie," Sophie said before erupting into a coughing fit.

Her hand was on her chest and Andys eyes went wide as she looked at her mother. Her heart started beating fast and she was worried that something would happen.

That worry was starting to bury into her chest, the weight of it making her constantly anxious.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," her mother reassured, standing up and taking a deep breath.

"Mum, are you good?" Andy asked, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Yes sweetie, I promise, now you go, have the summer you'll never forget," she said.

That's all Sophie wanted, for her daughter to have the final summer with her boyfriend where she didn't uave any worry.

EJ held her hand as they walked over to the car, him getting in the drivers seat and her in the passenger's seat.

"Everything alright baby?" He asked, reaching over and placing a hand on her cheek.

He had noticed that she was anxious sometimes when her family were around and he worried about her.

She nodded, taking a deep breath. She didnt want to ruin their summer with her problems.

"Yeah, it's all good," she said, leaning in to kiss him.

Just as they kissed, they heard a banging on the window and it was Tommy with a grin on his face.

"Make out when you're not on our driveway," he said with a smirk.

Andy rolled her eyes, "Piss off," she said before turning to EJ, "Lets go," As he drove off, she stuck her head out of the window, smiling at her family.

After picking up Kourtney and Carlos, they made it to Ashlyn and Ginas house, the two girls stumbling out of the door with their bags.

"Lets go, last one in is a rotten egg, and that's no yolk," EJ said as he picked up Ashlyn and Gina, the two girls fitting into the back.

He had borrowed his dad's seven seater car for the summer to drive the group around and so it wasnt too crowded.

Him and his dad had not been on good terms though recently. He was unhappy about the whole gap year thing and it was ruing their relationship slowly.

EJ wasn't going to let it ruin his summer though and he was going to work it out with his dad. Maybe. Hopefully.

"Does everyone have enough water and snacks for the road?" Andy asked as she looked into the back at their friends.

"You're in with your dad jokes EJ and she's with all of her helicopter mum work, you two are going to drive us crazy on this road trip," Ashlyn said.

"Whatever, just for a headcount, who's not here?" Andy questioned, wanting to make sure they weren't leaving anyone behind.

"Biggys got work, Sebs gotta milk, Nini is with her mums and Ricky is with-" Ashlyn explained but was cut off by the sound of the car horn.

"Don't say her name, he betrayed us," Andy said, narrowing her eyes at them in the back seats.

She couldn't believe that Ricky was going to be spending his summer with Lily rather than them and it bothered her.

He was meant to be her best friend but he chose some other girl over them. It had bothered her and they hadn't talked since.

"Lets go," Gina said excitedly as they began to drive off, Andy putting on her camp rock playlist.

About four hours in, EJ sighed, "God, my legs hurt," he said, yawning to himself.

"Park over you big baby, I'll drive for a bit," Andy suggested and he pulled over and they rushed across seats, getting ready to start their journey again

They were all jamming to the music as they entered hour eight of their 12 hour road trip, the sun setting behind them as they realised they were going to have to stop soon.

They paused at a motel, the six getting out and getting two room with three beds each, even though they all knew that Carlos would have buddied up with someone by the end of the night and that Andy and EJ would end up together.

And that's exactly what happened. The group sat and talked in one of the rooms, EJ laying on one of the beds with Andy lying between his legs.

"Is she asleep?" Kourtney asked as she looked over.

Andy had her back against his chest and was snoring lightly, clearly the driving today had worn her out.

"Yeah, just leave her, she's a heavy sleeper," he said, wrapping his arms tighter around her.

With one hand he slowly brushed her blonde hair out of her face. He looked down at her, a smile on his face.

It was obvious how much he was in love with her. He couldn't keep his hands off of her and he talked about her non stop.

Even the look he was giving her as she slept in his arms was enough to show he loved her more than anything else in the world.

"Okay, well we're gonna order some pizza, do you think she'd want any?" Carlos asked.

"I'll wake her up when it gets here," EJ said, not wanting to tell everyone that be just wanted a few more moments holding her in his arms.

The other smiled at each other, knowing that the couple were going to be like that for the next two weeks at camp.

1207 words

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