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It was about 13 years ago when it happened, right? Papa was cold, you were cold. You both were staring at mommas body crushed to bits on the ground, her eyes gouged open. That was probably the most horrific thing you had ever seen, not just the fact that it happened when you were 3 years old. Papa was crying, no...wailing. You just stood there. What were you supposed to do cry? You were only three, and you didn't even like your mom. All she ever did was hit you anyways. But what was the feeling crippling inside of you?

Not again. It was one of those crippling nightmares you'd been having for 13 years. You're 16 now and you still can't get over childhood trauma. Pissed you off. Plus this was the last thing you needed since you had just been hired at wangshu funeral parlor. Miss Hu Tao had offered good pay, so you took the job, even if it was the last thing you wanted. You got dressed, tied your hair back, and started to run. Running was your specialty. That's the only thing you'd ever been good at. Because that's all you ever did.

"9:00 sharp is the time I stated for you to meet me."

Miss Hu Tao was scary, but also had a soft presence to her. Though she was still a total weirdo.

"I'm sorry Miss Hu Tao but I woke up late, please forgive me-"

"No matter, meet my client at wuwang hill in 20 minutes."
"20 minutes?! That takes like 2 hours to get there!"

"I'm sure you can figure it out!" She giggled.

And she just left like that.

Your vision wouldn't help you in this, so what were you gonna do? Your vision was about as useless as you anyways. So you just started running, like you always do.

You made it about ten minutes before you quit out. You were out of breath, panting like a hyena. You took a break and started walking. Yep, you were definitely going to be late. You look down for one second and the next thing you know, you're face first into a small, soft chest. You look up, only to see a boy looking flushed and shocked.

"AHHHH" you scream.

"AHHHH" he screams.

" I'm so so sorry! I want looking, erm... are you ok?"

"Ah, y-yes. I'm fine. Thank you for asking. Are you feeling alright as well? Your face is red, but given the current situation, I don't blame you..."

You look even more embarrassed by the fact that he noticed but didn't respond. So you just gave him a silent nod.

"Actually, can I ask you something?"

"Hm?" You reply.

"Do you happen to know the location of wuwang hill? I'm heading there now because I have business there but I'm not quite sure where it is..."

You smile. He's cute you think. Reminds you of a small puppy confused and cute.

"Yes, I'm actually heading there as well, so care to take a trip with me there?"

"Seems like a good plan."

The two of you begin walking in silence. But over a small amount of time, the two of you begin talking, about interests, hobbies, and exorcism? Apparently that's what he does, because he claims to be an exorcist. Maybe that explains the strange energy coming from him, but you decided to just ignore it.

Because you can't go ruining another relationship with someone.

Especially not with someone who reminds you of...


𝕊𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝙴𝚡𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚖 (Chongyun x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now