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In this life don't delude yourself ,'YOU'RE NOT CHRIST YOU CAN'T SAVE HIM'

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?'


Pain like never before consumed my entire body as I looked down at my shaky hands  which where painted a dark, threatening Scarlett.

I could hear my heart beat ,in and out, as my eyes brimmed over with tears as the gash in my side grew more and more excruciating. I stumbled out of the alley heading to the main road in seek of help. My vision blurring continuously hazing my vision as my thoughts swarmed around my head.

My jean jacket and white graphic tee dyed a dark crimson and the little that was exposed of my arms was bruised and scratched up. The sight of it made me want to cry ,but I was determined to survive.

After taking my jean jacket and wrapping it around the wound in my side, I saw the blinding headlights of cars and the sound of the revving car engines and motorbikes filled my ears ,distracting me for a split second before I screamed "HELP!!"  My cry staining the night, my life flashing before my eyes.

" Help me p..p ...please" I murmered feeling the little energy I had in my body depleting ever so quickly. In a last attempt to get help, I  quickly tapped a random number on my phone, my fingers fumbling over them selves.

A quick response. 

"Wagwarn" the voice warm and deep, flooding my ears and filling me with small hope. But as I looked down at my bleeding stomach, whatever fragment of hope that had been pieced together shattered once more.

"He-" I forced out before a dark shadow brushed over my eyes as I collapsed on the street ;my body falling to the cold cobbled concrete.

A pool of blood forming around me.

Only God can help me now.

Ok yes the first chapter is short but there is a method to my madness. I think👉🏽👈🏽🥺. Either way plz vote and tell a fren to tell a fren or whatever. Bye now xx💕

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