☆Ep 11

500 25 11


'I Will Make Sure You Regret All Of This'


It was the day before the exams and lets just say things are getting intense for class 3-1

"You've got to be joking......" Ms.Park said in a low tone
The whole class was scared of what would happen next

The lights were dim, everything looked gray with an eerie type of feeling

"I-......only 13 has passed the pre exam....." Ms.Park said blankly
"W-what that can't be right Ms.Park we all studied how could only 13 of us pass?" Kevin asked with a hesitant voice
"I don't know......AGAIN!" Ms.Park yelled
Everyone grabbed their pencil and did the pre exam again

The only noise was pencils writing
Beomgyu had a shaky hand while he was doing math, he didn't know how many times he has done this now
Most of them had sweat going down their faces while others seemed like they were going to break down at any second
"HANDS UP!" Ms.Park yelled
Everyone dropped their pencil in a heartbeat and put their hands up in the air

Ms.Park collected the papers and started to grade them
"When I call your name you are free to leave....
Jacob Bae, Choi Chanhee, Yang Jungwon, Kim Dahyun, Kim Jiwoo, Choi Soobin, Kang Taehyun, Shin Ryujin, Wong Gaahei........and last Choi Yeonjun, you 18 may leave" Ms.Park said and they left
The only people left was
Beomgyu, Kevin, Chaeryeong, Yeji, Sunoo, Jake, and Hasuel

"3.....2....1...GO!" Ms.Park yelled
All 7 wrote on the paper as fast as they could and and tried to answer all the questions or as much as they could do
"TIME UP!" Ms.Park yelled once more
She collected all the papers and grades them
She looked up at them and smiled
Beomgyu never felt so scared in his life from a teacher

"You may all leave......see you all later" Ms.Park said
They all packed up and left in a hurry

"I don't think I have ever been afraid of a teacher in my life" Haseul said
"Same my heart is beating so freaking fast" Sunoo said having his hand on his heart
"My hands are shaking" Yeji held out her hands
"I am just glad we don't have to do it for now" Chaeryeong sighed
"Same bestie" Jake said having his hands on his hips
"Why did we have to stay? Is because we were the lowest?" Beomgyu asked
"Yea but we have another chance since she did tell tell us to leave" Sunoo said patting Beomgyu's back

They headed to the cafeteria were split up to their own groups
Beomgyu walked to where his friends where
"H-hey guys" Beomgyu stuttered when he made eye contact with Soobin
"Hey Beomgyu" Soobin waved Beomgyu blushed and then sat down
"How do you think you guys did?" Beomgyu asked
"Pretty well I guess, but I wished I studied more" Taehyun frowned
"Oh you can always ask me to help hyung" HueningKai smiled
"U-ummm yea sure" Taehyun blushed

"I think I did pretty good since I had Soobin help me" Yeonjun smiled
"Wait you guys studied with each other?" Taehyun asked pointing at Soobin and Yeonjun
"Yea he said he needed help and I have him my phone number so we video call while studying" Soobin explained
"O-oh....when did you two become so close?" Beomgyu asked getting a bit jealous
"Actually when I was at the library Yeonjun came up to me and just asked for help" Soobin said
"W-well I studied with Chanhee, Chuu and HueningKai" Beomgyu said
"Oh yea that's good of them to help since you just got here" Soobin said

"U-ummm....h-hey are yo-you Beomgyu?" Someone behind them asked
Beomgyu turned around to see a guy looking at him but he quickly turned when Beomgyu made eye contact with him
"Yes that is me, is there anything you needed?" Beomgyu smiled
"OH! U-umm I was wondering if...I can have your phone number?" He asked
Beomgyu smiled
"Sure why not hehe" Beomgyu giggled
The other blushed madly and took out his phone
"H-here" He said
"Oh why is your hand shaking so much?" Beomgyu asked taking the guys hand into his own

You can say that Soobin didn't like this at all, he was jealous
He didn't like the way Beomgyu held this guy's hands
He was getting angry, the others knew that and went under the table to take cover just if any blood gets anywhere it won't get on them

Once the guy got Beomgyu's number he turned and walked away happily
"Why did you give him your number?" Soobin asked sternly
"What do you mean? I gave it to him because he looked nice" Beomgyu said to him
"You don't even know him, why would you give a random person your number?" Soobin asked
"Well now I know him, so forget about it, it's not like you are my boyfriend anyways" Beomgyu sassed at him
"YEA! I'm not but can't I be worried about my friend?" Soobin asked
"Well you can't always be worried about me, I can learn how to defend myself Soobin, stop seeing me as a weak person" Beomgyu said eyes tearing up a bit
"I never said that I see you as a weak person Beomgyu" Soobin stood up getting more angry and
Beomgyu stood up as well
"WELL THEN STOP TREATING ME LIKE ONE!" Beomgyu yelled and walked out of the cafeteria
"Wait Beomgyu-"
"It's best that you don't go after him, he needs his space" Yeonjun cut Soobin off
Soobin nodded and sat down in his seat

⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。

"Ok class the exam will start in 3.....2.....1....GO!" Ms.Park yelled
Everyone was writing as fast as they can
"STOP! Ok get your math test next, and...GO!" She yelled again
Beomgyu had an easy time with this now since he remembers the stuff he did earlier
If not all of them would pass because of their memory improvement
They were like robots making sure everything is perfect
"STOP! Now your writing exam, for this one take it will be a small prompt or question about yourself, everyone has a different one and it will take about 5 minutes ok?.....GO!" Ms.Parked

'What would you do if someone is mad at you and you are in the wrong?' That was the question Beomgyu got and he immediately thought of Soobin he frowned
'Maybe he was right I was just jealous that he was with Yeonjun' Beomgyu thought

'If you're jealously caused you to fight with someone how would you recover your relationship?' Soobin got asked
'Why is it personal, nope to personal' Soobin thought

"AND HANDS UP!" Ms.Park yelled
She collected all the papers
Everyone was waiting and getting impatient
Then lightning struck and some jumped in shock

"25/25 passed....GOOD JOB EVERYONE!" Ms.Park smiled
"Yes, I knew that studying was worth it" Jake said leaning back on his chair
"You barely even studied though" Jungwon said
"Ok now you all may leave today" Ms.Park said

Everyone left and got to the front entrance and it was raining
People shared their umbrella while others ran threw the rain
Beomgyu didn't get to look at the forecast this morning so he didn't know it was going to rain

"Huh? Oh S-soobin hyung?" Beomgyu looked at him
"Here take it I will do without it" Soobin said and gave Beomgyu his umbrella
Soobin walked forward until Beomgyu took Soobin's hand
"W-wait lets go together....." Beomgyu blushed
"Sure" Soobin smiled

They started walking in comfortable silence until they got to Beomgyu's Apartment
"U-ummm Soobin hyung.....I'm sorry I shouldn't have acted that way with you, I was just acting like that because- because....." Beomgyu couldn't spit it out
"Because?" Soobin was curious
"Because I w-was.....you know what forget it hehe, you should get home before it turns dark" Beomgyu said before getting inside his apartment
Soobin chuckled and smiled then headed his way to his home

"W-what the fuck.....why did it turn out like this......you will pay Choi Beomgyu
you will pay...."


'Sorry I'm An Anti Romantic'


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