Chapter 1

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I wanted to get to know him. I wanted to be his friend. But he kept isolating himself. He never cared about having a social life. He never wanted a friend.

I kept following him around, wanting to find out his secret. I wanted him to break out of his shell. I wanted the walls that he built around himself to crumble. But he never let me in.

Until one day, I found out what happened to him.

I found out what happened under the Heavy Rain.

Chapter 1

I sat in the Biology period staring at the back of Ashton’s head; that’s all I could see anyways. He sits in front of me, and I get to stare at his messy black hair and tense back as I like without being caught. Nothing new, but I don't really care. I just wished I could massage those hot muscles of his to relax them. These are my usual thoughts every day.

The class was silent, except for a few occasional murmurs from random students here and there. I just sat quietly, my eyes glued to Ashton's back.

The bell rang and I sighed. I actually always look forward to the biology period because it’s the only class we have together. I have no other chance to talk to him, which is really sad. I’ve tried to talk to him a couple of times before, but he never really paid any attention to me or any other person for that matter. It’s not that he’s popular and I’m not. It’s actually the other way around. No, I’m not the mean and rude kind of popular; I’m the nice kind of popular.

I don’t get it! He always isolates himself! People always try to get closer to him but he pushes everyone away. Girls think he is the hot and mysterious guy, but I believe that there is more to that story. There is a mystery, but it’s bigger than what those girls think, and I will do anything in my willpower to solve it.

I got up and went after him, tucking a strand of my vibrant-red hair behind my ear. My hair used to be blonde, but I dyed it because a few months ago because I felt like I needed a change. 

“Hey,” I chirped.

“Hi” he said, without even looking at me. Well, at least he answered! He usually ignored everyone and looked at them in a ‘why-is-that-thing-talking-to-me’ way. But when he actually talked to me, it made me feel special.

I walked next to him and tried to start a conversation while walking.

“I’m really nervous for next week’s Biology test. Are you?”


“What class do you have right now?”


I kept asking him questions, but he never really replied with anything more than a one-word answer. I sighed, getting more frustrated by the second. Can’t he get that I’m trying to talk to him? I feel like I’m interviewing him, asking all the questions!

He suddenly disappeared from my side. What the hell? I looked to my left side, where he was standing a few seconds ago, and noticed that he entered the class. He didn’t even say bye. Not that I was expecting him to, anyways. I guess I should go to my class right now. Wait?! I have no idea where I am! I was too engrossed in trying to start a conversation that I didn’t even notice where I was heading to!

I went out of the building, and got lost a few times on the way. I noticed that I was on the wrong side of the school. Seriously?! How didn’t I notice that?! Looking around, I noticed that the whole place was empty, except for me, wandering around and looking looking like a lost kid!

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