Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next day, I entered biology class enthusiastic as usual, looking forward to seeing Ashton again. I looked at his seat, and noticed that he wasn't here yet. Hmm, that's weird, considering he was always the first one in class. As the teacher entered class, I was confused that Ashton still wasn't here. Was he sick that he had to miss school?

I spent the whole hour tapping my pen on the table, growing more irritated in each passing second. The only class that I look forward to everyday is ruined! Why? Because stupid Ashton decided not to show up today! Okay, fine, I admit that I'm slightly overreacting. It's just that, I really wanted to see him again since he was a really fun person, even if he didn't really talk much.

The next few days were the same, and Ashton was a no-show. Maybe he's sick, I thought as I walked to my car. I went to my house as soon as school was over without spending some extra time with my friends like I usually do, and headed directly to the kitchen. My parents weren't here, which was normal. They were always on business trips, and I was used to living on my own and always depending on myself.

I opened the fridge grabbed the cookies that I prepared last night. They were supposed to be snacks for when I got bored, but I guess I'll give them to Ashton. I always liked getting snacks when I got sick. I guessed that Ashton would appreciate that too. I learnt with time that he loves chocolate-chip cookies, and I was glad that I'd prepared them.

I went to my car and put them on the passenger seat, and drove towards Ashton's house, which I was now familiar with its location since I usually drive him home after school. When I reached his house, I grabbed the cookies and went to the door. Raising my hand, I started getting second thoughts. What if one of his parents answered the door and took a wrong first impression? I knocked the door, and a woman in her late thirties opened the door looking at me, uninterested.

"May I help you?" She asked, her tone annoyed. She looked nothing like Ashton; he had green eyes while she had brown eyes, he had black hair while she had blonde hair, his skin had a natural tan while hers was pale. Maybe he inherited his father's genes.

"I am actually here to visit Ashton Anderson." I said politely. She already seemed to hate me, and I did't need to add any more to that.

"He's not here right now." She said, and slammed the door in my face without as much as a goodbye. Oh, how polite, I thought sarcastically.

If he wasn't here, then he wasn't sick. But then why was he skipping school if he was not sick? I wondered. I thought about asking his mother, but thought the best of it. I probably shouldn't ask her; maybe she didn't know and I got him into trouble by telling her. I sighed and went to my car. He has skipped school for more than a week, and he wasn't even sick. What the hell was going on with him?


The next couple of days were the same. Ashton was skipping school, and I would go to his house every day, hoping that he'd be there so I can question him. I was pretty sure that his mom was starting to think that I was an obsessed stalker girl. She kept slamming the door in my face before telling me that he wasn't in the house in her bored tone. Didn't she even care that her son was never home?

I sighed and entered the Biology class, expecting to find Ashton's seat empty like the last two weeks. But instead, I found it occupied by none other than Ashton himself, who was talking with the teacher. The teacher looked up at me, and then said:

"Rosie will do it!" Excuse me? What are they talking about? I thought, as a confused expression stretched upon my face.

"Do what?" I asked.

Ashton smirked, which was quite weird since he never showed any emotions. "Since I haven't been here the last two weeks, and you have the best grades in this class, you are required to be my tutor after school to help me catch up with the rest of the class." He explained.

"How long?"

"As long as it takes to teach me everything."

"Okay, we'll start today as soon as school is over. Meet me at the library."

I was actually ecstatic, but I didn't want to show it, considering that would definitely look creepy. Who would be happy to spend their time after 7 hours of school tutoring someone instead of opening Facebook, eating, and relaxing? I looked up to the teacher, and noticed that she was already talking with another student. I then remembered that I should probably ask Ashton why he was skipping school, so I strutted to his seat and sat on the table, crossing my legs and smiling flirtatiously.

"Why weren't you at school the last two weeks? I went to your house almost every day but you weren't there!" I said, grinning like an idiot. I couldn't keep the excitement out of my voice! Ashton was finally here! I would no longer be bored and have to sit in the biology period doing nothing.

"You did?" He asked, seemingly mad for some reason.

"Yeah, but your mom kept saying that you weren't there." I rolled my eyes at the thought of her, and he pursed his pink kissable lips. "Anyways, why were you absent?" I asked again, looking at him expectantly.

He opened his mouth to answer, but the teacher decided to start the class at the same time, motioning for us to go back to our seat. I was a little hesitant to get up from my supposedly sexy pose, but the teacher looked at my position and raised her eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes and got up, going back to my seat.

 I sighed exasperated, and sat in my seat behind him.  Oh, how I'd missed ogling his sexy back! I put my chin on my hand and sighed dreamily, spending the rest of the period like this, praising the lord that Ashton was back.

When the class was almost over, I started packing my stuff along with some other students that just want out of the class.

"Wait! Don't pack your stuff yet! We still have a minute of class!" Mrs. Kingsley said. Yup, she's that one teacher. Most of us ignored her, though.

As soon as Mrs. Kingsley dismissed us, I got up and tried to catch up with Ashton, but he seemed too anxious to avoid me, as he was walking quickly while trying to hide his face. I pushed my way through the crowded hallway without even bothering to say "Excuse me". When I was out of the building, he was nowhere in sight. Dammit! I gritted my teeth and head to my next class.


When lunch time came by, I went to the cafeteria where Ashton, Alexia, and I usually sit. As I guessed, Ashton wasn't there. It was only Alexia, who was sitting alone, looking confused as to why Ashton wasn't there yet. He was usually the first one here. Alexia and I had second period together, so I have told her about Ashton. He can't avoid me fogether, though. We have tutoring lessons today.

"Alexia, let's go and look for Ashton." I ordered, angry about why Ashton was avoiding me. She nodded and we looked around the school. We searched most of the classes, janitor's closets, and hallways, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Let's go to the library." Alexia suggested. I shrugged and we headed to the library, which was all the way back to where we first started.

I entered the library, Alexia hot on my heels. We separated, each one going to a side. Our school's library was really enormous, and that really made looking for Ashton hard. I looked everywhere, searched in every corner, and just as I was beginning to lose hope, I heard a bang from under a nearby table, and someone whisper-cussing "Shit".

A grin stretched on my face as I made my way to that table. I crouched next to it, and the grin immediately faltered.

"Oh, sorry! I thought you were my friend!" I apologized to the guy sprawled under the table in a rather uncomfortable position. I got up and let out a breath. Where could he be hiding?

I went to meet up with Alexia.

"I give up searching for him! He can't hide forever though. We will meet in here for the tutoring lessons after school. There's no running away from me." I said and Alexia smirked. I guess I should wait till the next few miserable hours pass.

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