Chapter Fifteen

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Rylie ~ Present

Maxwell keeps to himself the rest of the party, which I'm thankful for. I tried to get even with him for making me think things I shouldn't.

I can't let a few words make me forget the way he ripped my heart out of my chest all those years ago.

"Rach, we're leaving, okay? I love you and I'm so happy for you."

I embrace my best friend. She squeezes me tightly.

"I love you! Thanks for being here."

Brian takes my hand as we head for the exit. I eye Maxwell at a table with a few people in their family. He doesn't look up at me, but my cheeks still flush anyway.

I wish he didn't affect me the way he does.

Brian drives us back to my apartment, and I stare at him the entire way.

Brian is nice and funny. Hudson and his girlfriend really like him. Rachel seems to like him. He's successful and charming. Handsome.

There shouldn't be a void, so why am I feeling one?

"What's your biggest secret?" I ask, knowing it's random and not caring.

"My biggest secret?" He laughs a little, "Uh, I don't know, babe. Why?"

"What's the one thing you thought you would never come back from, but did?"

"Where is this coming from?"

"I'm just wondering. I feel like I don't know those things about you."

"The past is the past, Rylie. I don't like to dwell on it." He reaches over, taking his eyes off the road a moment to look at me and places his hand on my knee. "None of that stuff is important anymore."

I look at the window, not willing to argue about it. I disagree, however. Our past makes us who we are.

It's important.

We don't have to dwell on it to appreciate it.

I inhale and exhale slowly. I'm overthinking it. Brian and I have a great relationship.

We get back to my apartment and I invite him up.

When we get inside, I pour us a glass of red wine and kick off my heels.

I've been feeling flustered all night, and I'm ready to melt into Brian and forget the world a little while.

He takes a seat on my couch, and I sip my wine, as I strut over to him.

Placing my glass on the coffee table, I sit down to straddle him.

I start by kissing his neck, willing myself to let go of the tension I've had.

"Whoa, babe. What's gotten into you tonight?"

I ignore his comment as I grind my hips into him.

"We have to be quick, I have an early morning."

"Just kiss me, Brian."

And he does.

He gives me soft kisses starting at my lips and venturing down my neck and to my chest. I grip his shoulders and throw my head back, allowing him better access.

Dark hair, strong muscles.

Another kiss.

I know your body like the back of my hand, Ryles, and I haven't forgotten.

The zipper on my dress gets undone.

Hands in my hair, teeth grazing my shoulder.

I get flipped onto my back, pressing down into the couch.

A grip so tight it would leave bruises and hidden hickeys on my chest because he wanted to make me his in every way. But I loved it. I wanted to be marked by him.

A hand slides up my thigh.

Stormy eyes watching me come undone. The way I felt like I would combust, in the best way. Like we were all that would ever matter.

"Stop." I pop my eyes open, coming back into my surroundings as Brian is stripping off his shirt.

This is wrong. It's not fair to him that I'm thinking of someone else while I'm supposed to be thinking of him.

I might not be physically cheating, but what I'm doing is just as bad.

"What's wrong?"

"I, um, my stomach hurts. I just got nauseous all of a sudden."

Not a total lie. My stomach is churning.

"Oh, okay."

He gets off of me and throws his shirt back on.


"It's fine. I'm going to go ahead and leave, though, as long as you'll be okay?"

"Yeah." I nod, holding back the emotion that's causing my eyes to sting.

"Night, babe."

Brian kisses my head and when he closes the door of my apartment I fall apart.

I was doing so good. I had gotten over Maxwell  for the most part.

Or, at least, it didn't hurt like it used to.

Now he's here and in my face every day.

And he's acting like he's going to win me back!

I can't let that happen. I can't let him ruin my life twice.

I lean back into the couch, feeling deflated.

Maxwell and his fucking smoothing talking and god-like body. I can't let that change how I feel about him. I have to stay strong.

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