1. Origin Story.

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 Deep in the rainforest of South America, the McDucks were on their latest expedition. They had been walking for hours without break, but the group didn't show any signs of fatigue... Well most of them. Louie didn't know how his family weren't tired, they had been walking for ages, his feet were on fire, and if he didn't get a break, he was going to collapse from exhaustion. He wasn't superhuman, he couldn't just keep going.

'He we are, following a map that would most likely lead them to another crumbling or trap-filled temple full of priceless treasures that will make Scrooge even richer than he already is.' - The sixteen year old bitterly thought.

But even though, he didn't really enjoy adventuring, he liked the change of pace.

He'd been bored recently, just applying for jobs, and waiting for replies from companies he already applied for. Scrooge had offered to give him a job a couple of times, but he adamantly refused. Six years prior, he'd have jumped at the chance, but he'd changed since he was ten. He was still money hungry, but also craving independence from his family, even though he loved them, he wanted to do things on his own.

"Ah ha!" - Scrooge chimed, dragging Louie from his daydream. - "Another twenty minutes of walking and we'll have reached our target." - A range of cheers came from the group. Most real. One sarcastic.

Scrooge either didn't hear his great-nephews sarcastic cheer or chose to ignore it, as the family kept walking. With Scrooge leading, followed by the excited Della and Dewey, then the curious Huey, then the joyful Webby and finally, the tired Louie.

After another ten or so minutes, Louie got tired of the silence. He jogged up beside Scrooge. - "Why do all our adventures lead to us decrepit castles or crumbling temples?" - He asked. - "Why can't we ever just go dig up buried treasure on a private island?"

"There's no hard work in earning treasure like that, Lad." - Scrooge commented, cutting the vines that were blocking his family's path.

"I would argue that digging is hard work."

Scrooge turned and smiled at the cheeky teen. - "Digging doesn't compare to what we're doing, my boy." - With one final slice of his machete, the thick vines fell away, giving the group their first look at the large sandstone temple.

As Louie marvelled at the size of the structure, Dewey and his Mother sprinted past him.

"Last one there is a rotten egg!" - Dewey shouted, over his shoulder.

Louie sighed as the rest of the group also sprinted past him. Putting his hands back into his pockets, he began walking to the temple's entrance.

"Not even going to try, Louie?" - Webby questioned.

"Nah," - He said, shaking his head. - "But you go on ahead, I'll be there in a minute."

She grinned at him. - "Looks like you're the rotten egg." - She turned and ran.

After a minute, Louie arrived at the temple, his family was chuckling, to no one's shock, Dewey had won the race.

Entering into the temple, the family faced their first obstacle, which came in the form of a classic pitfall trap, once the family stepped into the room, a sensor was triggered, and the floor in front of them, split into two halves, and swung open, creating a chasm, which Louie was sure was lined with spikes.

Louie watched with wide eyes, as the girl flipped through mid-air and landed perfectly on the other side of the 10ft gap. He'd known Webby for just under seven years at this point, and was still amazed by the skills she possessed.

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