6. One Selfish Choice.

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 Louie winced as he adjusted the ice pack he'd strapped to his shoulder, it hadn't been more than twenty minutes since he'd battled the previously undefeated Bonesaw, leaving the wrestler with a busted lip, black eye and a shattered ego, suffering an almost dislocated shoulder, and a few bruised ribs. 

Though in the end he earned the $500, though it did cost him a few injuries that would hinder him for the next week or so, as well as staying out past his curfew, meaning when he returned to McDuck Manor, he'd most likely be grounded. 

But hey. Money is money!

Louie was still waiting to be payed for his trouble, though. He'd been sitting outside the event promoter's office, waiting for him to return, so the teen would be able to take his winnings and get home, before he was in serious trouble.

Eventually, after about ten minutes of waiting, a short, bald man in a cheap navy suit, showed up and unlocked the office door, not sparing a single word to the teen who'd just beaten his champion.

Louie wasn't deterred though, the man was probably tired, it was 3am. Instead, he just followed him inside, the cramped office, and took a seat on the opposite side of the promoter's desk.

The older man stared at the teen in front of him. Louie had removed his ski-mask earlier, letting the older man, get a good luck at the peculiar looking teen, his snow-white hair, slightly tanned skin, and shining emerald eyes. He had a very distinctive look, that the man was certain, he'd scene before, possibly on TV? 

Along with his insane strength, incredibly reflexes and agility. He had the makings to be one of the greatest wrestlers ever, and the man had the skills to profit of the kid.

"So," - The man began, leaning forward onto his desk, and giving Louie the widest smile. - "I've seen what you can do, and I have to say I'm impressed."

Louie smiled back, knowing what the man was trying to do. - "You aren't the first to say that." - He quipped back, smiling.

The promoter, laughed in a way, that Louie knew was fake. - "You're confident as well, and while confidence is key, if you want to get anywhere in this industry, you'll need contacts. Contacts that I have got."

Louie suddenly realised why the man was being so friendly to him, he wanted to exploit his powers, Louie had seen Mark Beaks once try to do this to Huey, after he felt that Dr Gearloose was ignoring his ideas. Huey, who hadn't known that he was being exploited, worked for the social media CEO, for all of two days, before he realised he'd been taken advantage of.

But when it came to situation's like this, Louie was generally more experienced than his Brother.

"Thanks for all the compliments, but I think this was more of a one time thing."

"Oh," - The promoter muttered, not expecting that answer. - "Are you sure? You could make some serious money!"

'Most of which, I bet you'll take as a consulting fee.' - Louie thought bitterly, standing up from his seat. - "Well you know I'm not really a wrestler."

"You aren't a wrestler Yet." - The man corrected. - "I could hire a trainer, make you one of the biggest names in the wrestling world."

"Like I previously said, I think this was more of a one time thing, I'll just take my winnings, and I'll be off."

Upon hearing the teen's statement, that he wouldn't be becoming a wrestler, which meant that the man wouldn't become rich off the teen's work. His face visibly fell. - "Okay then," - He said dryly, swivelling around in his chair, and getting up from his chair. 

He stepped up to a large oil painting, that was seemingly nailed to the wall opposite Louie. It depicted an old boxing match, between a short, bald man wearing blue gloves and shorts, and a tall, muscled, blonde man, wearing red shorts and gloves, in looked like a scene taken from an old sports movie.

The promoter, clicked a button on the paintings frame, causing it to swing open like a door, revealing an old looking iron safe, behind it. He spun the combination dial a few times, and pulled the handle.

A few seconds passed, before the promoter shut the safe, and turned back to Louie, in his hands, a stack of money, which he tossed to the Wrestler who'd just won the competition.

Instantly, Louie knew something was off. He'd been tossed three bricks of cash, each wrapped with a slip, stating that the brick contained $100  If Louie's math was correct, and when it came to Money it was never wrong, he'd been given a $300.

"Uh, where's the rest?" - Louie questioned, as the promoter didn't bother to reaffix the painting, to hide the safe.

"The rest?"

"Yeah," - Louie stated, somewhat irritated. - "The flyer said five-hundred for five minutes in the ring."

"Yeah, five minutes, you were only in the ring for three minutes, ergo you only earn three-hundred." - The promoter explained, sitting back down at his desk.

"But I beat him, doesn't that change anything?" - Louie exasperatedly asked.

"Sorry, but you didn't last the five minutes, and as it says on the flyer, you only get the five-hundred, if you stay in the ring, and stay conscious for the entire time."

"That's so unfair."

The man shrugged. - "Seems like a you problem"

Louie sighed, knowing that the promoter wasn't going to budge, and he would be wasting his time, protesting for that $200. SO he turned and left the office.

As he walked to the elevator, that was a good five doors down the hallway, he passed a man, average height and build, who was wearing a dark coat, baseball cap, and sunglasses, but the teen payed him know mind, he just continued down the hallway.

As he reached and subsequently called the elevator, he heard shouting from the promoter's office, he turned back in time to see the man he'd just pass fleeing from the office, a duffle bag in one hand, and a handgun in the other.

The promoter, called out for him to stop, as he sprinted behind him as fast as his short legs could carry him, and Louie quickly figured out the situation, the man who was currently running for the elevator, had just robbed the promoter, probably threatened him the gun, and forced him to open the safe, and filled his duffle bag with it's contents.

Louie could easily stop him, it would be simple, and most likely only take one punch.

But Louie was resentful of the promoter who just stiffed him out of $200, and watching him get robbed, taken for everything he had, made him feel a little bit better. So, as the elevator doors opened, he stepped to the side, allowing the thief to leap in, and muttered out a 'Thanks' as the doors shut.

The promoter sprinted up to the teen, and stared at him with wide eyes. - "Why didn't you stop him." - The man yelled, clenching his fists. - "He just got away with one hundred-thousand dollars!"

Louie gave him a small smile. - "Seems like a you problem." - He uttered, before calling the elevator once more. 

Thanks for reading Ch.6 of 'Spider-Duck'. I hope you enjoyed, and also hope you comment, vote, follow me, and read Ch.7 -MM

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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