Late night

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B/n ~ boyfriends name
Y/n ~ your name
B/n/n ~ boyfriends nick name
Y/n/n ~ your nick name
No warnings just lots of fluff, maybe a little swearing and a small make out scene 💓💓

You huffed, glancing over at the alarm clock on your nightstand. It read 1:06 a.m.

"Unbelievable." You sighed to yourself, flopping onto your right side, your boyfriend, b/n, coming into view.
Your frustration with not being able to sleep was forgotten momentarily as you admired his profile, his face holding the look of peace and tranquillity.

Lifting your arm, you ran a hand through his soft hair, b/n humming in response, though he was still fast asleep.
"B/n...." You half whispered, half whined.
His brow furrowed in protest, not wanting to wake up.
"B/n..!" You slightly raised your voice, pouting.
He shook his head, but slowly opened his e/c eyes as they wandered around the room, looking for whatever woke him, before landing on you.

"Y/n? What's wrong...?" He spoke sleepily, reaching out to pull you against his warm, bare chest, kissing your forehead, smothering your face in his neck, a sigh of contentment leaving him before he closed his eyes again.
"I can't sleep." Your voice was muffled.
"Hmm..." B/n hugged you tighter if it was possible, tracing his fingers down your back in a soothing manner.

As good as it felt, it didn't make you any sleepier.
Moving slowly, you pushed away from him, carefully sliding off the bed, so as not to wake him. He seemed to need his sleep, so you decided to just grab a snack and watch something in the living room.
You couldn't resist the temptation to press a soft kiss to his cheek, making sure the covers came over his shoulders before leaving the room, grabbing a pair of fuzzy socks out of your drawer on the way out, the only other clothing on you being his shirt and underwear.

You reached the kitchen, glancing around, a little disoriented.

"Hey princess."

The gruff voice to your right made you jump, your hand flying to your chest. "B/n! Shit, you scared me!"
"Sorry.." he had your comforter wrapped around his entire body, coming up over his head, his puppy eyes instantly melting your brief anger.

You grabbed the front of the comforter draping over his shoulders, pulling him down to your height to press a soft kiss to his lips, lingering for a moment before pulling away.
"I'm sorry if I woke you up." You sheepishly apologized, knowing he had to be at work early the next—or technically this morning.
B/n shrugged, pulling you into the comforter, warmth radiating off of his bare chest as you wrapped your arms around his waist, his chin resting on your head.

"I'll just call in sick." He chuckled.
You smiled, kissing his smooth chest before pulling away. "I'm hungry."
"Hm. Me too." B/n agreed, already rummaging through the cupboards and fridge.

You found bagel bites in the freezer, pulling them out and shaking them triumphantly.
"What about these?!"
He grabbed a sheet pan and preheated the oven while you grabbed the foil, spraying it quickly before dumping the bagel bites onto the tray, your stomach growling.

The oven couldn't heat up fast enough as you impatiently tapped your foot on the ground, it finally reaching the right temperature and you shoved the pan into the oven.
As you waited for them to cook, you pushed up onto the counter.
B/n had disappeared, you assumed to use the restroom or something as you crossed your legs up under you, the cold marble counter sending a shiver up your spine.

B/n came back in, a hoodie now covering his toned abdomen and you couldn't help but be slightly disappointed.
"Let's watch something while we wait." He suggested, you nodding in agreement.
Before you could jump off the counter he picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, arms around his neck, carrying you to the couch.

A couple minutes into your favorite show, you snuck a glance at B/n.
His eyes were on the screen, but yours wandered down to his perfect jawline, his smooth neck, a fading hickey from you near his collarbone.
You smiled to yourself, so proud to call him yours. He was perfect.

Biting your lip, you snuck your hand onto his lap, teasingly brushing up his sweats, up further, and under his hoodie, exploring the ups and downs of his toned stomach.
B/n turned to you, eyebrows raised.
"Hi." You laughed shyly.
"What're ya doing?" He smiled back.
You shrugged innocently. "Nothing."
"Nothing, huh?"

B/n suddenly moved forward, devouring your lips with his own, a small moan leaving your mouth as you moved onto his lap.

He buried one hand in your hair, tugging back till you were looking up at the ceiling, his lips attacking your neck as you gasped.
He hovered over your sweet spot, knowing exactly what he was doing, just barely brushing his lips and nose against it as you moaned.
"S-stop...teasing, b/n/n." You managed to get a few words out, pushing your hips against him, grinding up, as he groaned, biting down on your neck to sustain the pleasure.
"Careful, princess..." B/n warned, his hands gripping your hips tightly, holding you still, him finally sucking on your sweet spot.

Beeep! Beeeeep!!
You and B/n groaned in unison, annoyed with the loud interruption.
"We'll have to finish this later." B/n sweet gentle side returned as he placed a soft kiss on your neck, lifting you and carrying you into the kitchen.
You giggled as he brushed his lips across your skin, tickling you as he set you on the counter.

"You're so ticklish." He flashed a cheeky grin, chuckling, turning to pull the bagel bites from the oven, placing them on the stove.

" He flashed a cheeky grin, chuckling, turning to pull the bagel bites from the oven, placing them on the stove

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A/N: this is not my art or drawings, I'm not taking credit for them

Together, you quickly downed all the food. With a full stomach, your eyes began to droop tiredly, your boyfriend watching you lovingly, laughing inwardly at your childlike behavior.

"Cmon, baby, let's get you to bed." He picked you up bridal style, taking you back to the room, wrapping you in the blankets, diving under the covers to escape the cold.
You tucked your hand under his hoodie, sleepily tracing patterns across his chest and stomach.
"Thank you, b/n/n." You nuzzled your face into his neck, his arm under you, the other over your hip, one of your legs draped across his.

"For what?" His chest vibrated with his words, his deep voice lulling you even closer to sleep.

"Staying up with me...and feeding me." You barely grazed his neck with a kiss before your eyes closed, the warmth surrounding you finally putting you to sleep.

"Anything for you, y/n/n."

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