Chapter 15: What...What Have I Done? ~Weiss

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I just sat on the bench outside, my hands shaking.

"What... What have I done?" I said repeatedly to myself. The fact that I had killed a girl, another being. The guilt was starting to bear down on me.

"But you did it to protect Ruby!"

"But I still killed someone!"

"You do realise you are arguing with your own mind?"

I shook my head a little and clenched my fist. The bumblebee couple had just walked into the hallway. With a quick glance they saw me, my shirt and jeans covered in blood.

"Weiss? What happened? Where's Ruby?" Yang questions flew from her mouth before I could answer. Blake, being the more calming side of the couple, calmed down Yang.

"I'm sure she'll answer when she can. I do have a question though." I looked up and nodded for them to continue.

"Why are your clothes covered in...blood?" She asked. The guilt was starting to set in again. My shoulders started to shake violently, the images of Penny's dying face flashing back into my mind.

"I did that..." My words just kept chanting.

"Did what?"


"Yeah. Our sense of humour." I shot Yang a glare.



"Penny..." I finished looking back down at my own hands, which still had spots of blood all over. The couple looked over at me and nodded over toward the bathroom. I made my way through the door and over to the sink. I ran the tap and splashed my face with water. I exhaled heavily and looked at the mirror.

"Am I Murderer?" I asked myself. Not expecting an answer from my reflection, I dried my face and walked out the the room. A doctor stood near the doorway to Ruby's room, seemingly looking for someone. He turned to look at me and smiled.

"Are you Weiss Schnee?" 

"Yes?" I replied to questionable tone.

"Miss Ruby Rose is awake and wishes to see you." He finished, without a second thought, I dashed into the room to see her. She was on my back, slight l up leaning from the position of the bed. Her stormy grey eyes full of life again.

"Morning, Ruby." I said in a low tone. She blinked a little and smiled.

"Hello, My snowflake." She replied, holding out her arms asking for a hug. I chuckled a little and walked over toward her and embraced her.

"Thank much.." Ruby said between little sobs and sniffles. I caressed her hair gently.

"Shh...shh..It all over now.." I smiled as she tucked her face away into my neck, sighing as she did.

"I love you..."

"I love you too...Snowflake." 

A/N Heyo! I'm so sorry for not updating, I wasn't really in the mood/writers block. But! Here's a chapter filled with White rose!


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