54. 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣

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"Why is he so hot?" I asked the boy who was laying on me. His head was on my stomach and his arms wrapped around on my waist. My fingers were wrapped in his hair and he raised his head up. His face was scrunched up with confusion and a 'I know not' look.

"He's like eleven and an anime character." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Wait what?" I asked dumbfounded to hearing the age. I blinked a few time and Vinnie just nodded.

"But you can't tell me you don't find some of these girls attractive." I added afterwards. Vinnie only shrugged his shoulders and I rolled my eyes at him.

Even I think they're hot. They're very annoying and whiny but they're hot at least.

"Whatever loser." I said as my attention was back on the show. We were five episodes in the show and it was really interesting.

I wasn't huge on anime, but this was one of the only things we'd watch together. Once Vinnie found out that I never watched anime he almost lost his shit before telling me that we just HAD to watch at least one show. Now here we are weeks later watching our third show.

We tended to stay on the ones with little seasons since my attention span to one thing is nonexistent. I won't watch a show if it has a lot of seasons sometimes. Or at least it takes me forever to finish watching it cause I get bored of it and start watching something else.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

"Eventually you have to watch a longer run show. Like Naruto or One Piece. They're long but it's worth it." It was as if he had read my mind.

"But doesn't Naruto have like a billion different spin offs?" I asked.

"Um two. Shippuden and Boruto, but we won't worry about Baruto." Vinnie turns his body around so he could face me without looking upside down.

"Sounds like a chore more than a pleasure." I mumbled. "But I guess I can try."

Vinnie smiles widely at me and his eyes light up.

"Wait really?" He asked excitedly.

"Yeah." I knew it would only make him happy and since we have all summer, watching a show that would last forever wouldn't hurt. We don't really do much anyways.

All that we do is stay home, sometimes we go to the skatepark or out with his friends. I hang out with Maria a lot also. I understand I came to be here with Vinnie, but I don't want to always be around him. It would hurt to get tired of him.

Vinnie works out almost everyday. I work out with him sometimes, but he could do it forever if he really wanted to. I'm serious, it's like he doesn't get tired.

"We'll start after we finish F.M.A. Brotherhood." He said to me before putting his attention back to the show.

It was around 10 o'clock when I checked the time after we ate and went back to his room to continue our show. I was feeling tired already and we had started watching season two of FMA.

"Do you want to go out tomorrow?" Vinnie asked.

"To do what?" I furrow my brows in confusion.

"It's a surprise."

"Well I guess so. Anything specific for me to wear?" I asked him.

"We'll be outside. Use that to your knowledge." Vinnie wrapped an arm around me and I moved in closer.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're sixteen or sixty with how you say things." I laugh.

"That's an insult." He fake pouted and buried his face in my stomach.

I wipe the steam off the bathroom mirror and look at my reflection as I start getting my toothbrush ready.

Vinnie still hasn't told me anything about what we are doing today other than being outside. I spent the entirety of the rest of the night pondering on what he has planned today.

I can feel a deep pit in my stomach and I'm not sure if it's just nervousness, excitement, or both. Probably both.

I finish my routine and get dressed in a black cropped halter top and some low waist shorts. I comb through my wet hair and make sure to style it so it doesn't become a frizzy curly mess throughout the day.

I leave the bathroom and go back to his room where he lays waiting. He opens his arms and I lay myself on top of him and give him a few pecks.

"I just need to put my shoes on and then I'm ready." I smiled up at him and then remove myself to a sitting position.

He nods, "Okay, I have everything ready for us today so whenever you're ready we can head on out." He sits up and kisses my forehead.

I finish getting ready and we both head out the front door. Our hands intertwine as we walk.

Our walk leads us to the park and in the field of grass is a blanket and a basket.

"Awh! A picnic!" I said excitedly and skip a little before sitting down.

I have a big cheesy smile and see that the curly blonde sitting beside me has the same one.

"I'm glad you're happy." He beams at me.

hey guys it's been a very long time sorry i just lost motivation for the story, clearly. i had this in my drafts and another chapter but i'm o my going to post this one for it to end on a good note.

i lost my interest in vinnie a very long time ago, again clearly😭. i also just going into a serious relationship like 2 1/2 years ago like around the time i stopped writing so if that makes sense as to why i've been awol.

i have been working on a different book for a while now and it's wayyy different from fanfiction and it's been a lot of research and dedication to get done.

i want to be a better writer, especially after i started to get back into to reading actual books yknow. i'm no longer 17-18 so i've grown a lot and ff just isn't for me anymore.

i love you guys and thank you all so much for supporting this story and all my other ffs if you have. i hope everyone is enjoying life and growing and if any of you have been here from the beginning just waiting on me to update again i love you again. i wish you all the best and hopefully stuck around for a story i've been working on.

i took a break from that but i'm going to try and get back into, i want jt to be my best writing i can so it will take a lot of time. it's a world building fantasy and if you guys would like a synopsis pleas lmk. again i love you all!!

also if this ending isn't satisfying i can write a short little chapter of a bunch of things to add, so lmk about that also.

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