Chapter 16

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I was ready, it was early but that didn't matter, I could get familiar with the woods before it got dark.
I took the shield, knife, and spear and said my goodbyes to Nidle though he accompanied me to the city gates, "please just be careful."
"No need to worry, I'm fully prepared."
He worries a lot, doesn't he?
"I'll still fill a request with the guild."
"No need, seriously. I'm sure I can take care of that thing myself," I waved him off.
"I'll pray for you," he yelled when I was already a distance away.

I made my way to the forest again.

This time I didn't wander around, I examined the areas of the forest with great care. During my exploration, I found a berry bush. Deer liked berries and if a monster that looked like one behaved like one I could use them as bait. I picked a lot of them lay them on the ground and climbed a tree.
I readied the spear and waited for it to come out.

For hours I laid in wait, sometimes having a false alarm when smaller animals like squirrels and birds tried eating the berries. I threw little branches at them to make them run away. I waited for hours then it finally came out. It was more grotesque this time around, having long gashes and scrapes on its side. Looked like it picked a fight it almost didn't win or just cut itself open somewhere, on a sharp rock maybe.

Well, it looked like it was going to get hurt again.

It was almost right below me.

It had no idea that I was hovering above.

Its senses must have been dulled from the wounds, a normal deer would have run away, maybe it wasn't a deer at all. It ate, looked around chewing, and ate again.

This was my chance, but I couldn't just throw the spear and hope it'll die from the wound. I had to make sure that it was fatal, if it wasn't the deer part of it will most likely never come here out of fear from predators. But if it was fully a monster then it will most likely kill me, either beat me to death or impale me with its great horns.
I thought this was my only chance, so I had to make it count.
But if I want to join the Adventurers Guild, something like this is a small matter, maybe for them, something like this was a daily occurrence.

I jumped down, screaming but with precision to not be impaled by its great horns with the spear in hand. It couldn't react that fast and I was sitting on it like it was a horse and stabbed its side, the tip of the spear broke off.

It screamed madly and thrashed around. Frantically it tried to shake me off, running around with great speed.
Seconds after I had jumped my thighs and my privates started to burn in pain. There must have been something on its fur and touching it wasn't a good idea.

I took a hold of its horn to not fall down, while struggling I threw away the broken spear and took out the knife and stabbed it several times in its neck, blood splashed in my face and everywhere else, I was drenched in it.

The beast threw me off and ran away with the knife still sticking in its neck.
I crashed hard into a tree.
I screamed the most horrible curses that come into my mind in pain.
I stood up and rubbed my right shoulder, thighs, and the more sensitive parts of my lower region.
It feels like there were exceptionally bad bee stings on them but I could walk and didn't think the shoulder was broken.

I spat out the extremely bitter blood that was in my mouth, thankfully it wasn't mine. Looking around, there was a very obvious blood trail. No wonder, I stabbed it quite often and there was part of the spear in its gut and the knife in its neck. I followed it, the deer couldn't have gone far, it will bleed out quickly.

When I found it, less than a hundred paces away, it wasn't dead yet. It was lying down on the ground breathing heavily out its monstrous nose. Even for something that looked like a monster deer, it was very ugly. Seems like it couldn't stand up anymore.

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