The Encounter

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The chirping of birds and the sunlight peeking through the curtains broke Mishti's sleep. She was on the couch, clutching her parents' photo close to her heart. She got up from the couch and went to the washroom. Looking at her face in the mirror she sighed heavily. She was covered fully in sweat with dark circles around her eyes due to lack of sleep.

After the tiring events of the previous day, she went to bed hoping for a good night's sleep but woke up abruptly in the middle of the night because of a nightmare. After calming down a bit she tried to sleep again but couldn't and ended up on the couch clutching her parents' photo tightly to get some sleep. Then she dozed off for a while, only to be woken up by the sunlight.

After her morning routine, she came out and stood on her balcony enjoying the cool breeze which is kissing her face. She thought about how her life changed after she lost her parents, how Badima and Badepapa became her parents, and lastly the moments of her life in which her parents were not part of. These thoughts brought tears in her eyes which she hastily wiped. She has vowed that she will never fall weak but everyone has a weak moment. She has built an invisible wall to protect her heart from breaking. She has this strong facade in front of the world, behind which is a scared and innocent 26-year-old who is fighting her demons.
Suddenly a thought came into her mind. She came inside and put on her jogging suit. She took her phone and left through the balcony without alerting other family members.


Abir was walking down the road away from his house, enjoying the morning breeze, the chirping of the birds, and the deserted path. He was wearing a hoodie and walking with his head down so that the people don't recognize him. Even actors want freedom and some space. They are also human beings.

Abir was lost in his thoughts and was not aware of his surroundings. When he got his senses back, his eyes widened seeing the place.

It was a secluded area by the side of the road. On the other side was a beautiful and clean lake. He walked more into the area exploring it. There was a treehouse and a fence separating the area from the lake. The area was surrounded by trees. The chirping of the birds, the wind blowing, the leaves rustling in the breeze, everything was giving him a sense of peace. He felt as if all his worries, tension, and negative thoughts were leaving his body and being replaced by calmness. He felt as if he could be his true self in this place. There is no need for the strong guy and actor facade here. He stood there enjoying the comfort provided by Mother Nature.

After some time, he thought of heading back home as he can't avoid his dadi forever. Just when he turned something collided with him. He missed his footing and fell taking the something with him.


Mishti was heading towards her favourite place through the familiar path. She was thinking how her life would have been if her parents were alive. Even though her mind was in a trance, her body was taking her to the place where she could be herself without any care of the world around her.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she went and collided with something hard. Her first thought was who put a wall here but that thought vanished in thin air when the wall started moving and collapsing. Before she could think of anything she lost her balance. She closed her eyes bracing herself for the impact. But it never came.

After falling to the ground, when Abir opened his eyes he saw a beautiful face but the eyes were closed. He understood it was a woman, from her face. There was a frown on her face and her hair was tied in a ponytail. This helped in seeing her face clearly. He was silently praying for her to open her eyes, so that, he could get a glimpse of her eyes. He was not at all bothered by their position. In fact, his mind didn't even register that he was lying on the ground with her on top of him by the side of the road. Finally, she opened her eyes fulfilling his wish. He saw a beautiful pair of black eyes. Instantly he was captivated by her eyes. He didn't know why, but he couldn't look away from those orbs.

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