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"I'm so proud of you,” Phil praised Dan, who was celebrating his 25th birthday. “You look amazing.”

Dan had dressed up fancily for the first time in ages. He was finally moving out of his agency's dorm and into Phil's new apartment – right across the street. Phil decided to move out of the old flat and into the newer one he was housed in. Phil was helping him move the few things he had.

“Thanks,” he said. “You always look amazing.”

“Eh-em.” The commander appeared behind him.

“Sir!” Dan stepped to attention, straightening his back and putting an hand to his head.

“At ease. I just wanted to come and speak with you.” The commander walked up to him. “You, Howell, are still my top man. I expect you to remain on duty, as I do all of those who decide to leave at this age. You have your own life now, but that doesn't mean you don't have responsibilities.”

“Yes sir.”

“What was that?! I can't hear you!”

“Sir! Yes sir! I will come to the call if you need me. I am only across the street, after all.”

“Good! Congratulations, and the agency thanks you for all of your work, General Howell.”

“And I am proud to have served with the agency, sir.”

He patted his shoulder. “My boy, I never expected you – the little boy who was crying as he walked in for the first time – to become the top soldier here. We, of course, will be checking up on you. Goodbye for now, General.”

“Thank you, commander.”

“And you,” he said, pointing to Phil. “You take care of him.”

“Yes sir.” Phil smiled. “You can count on it.”

He gave him a manly smile, and left him to finish packing. Phil laughed quietly to himself after he was gone.

“What are you laughing at?” Dan asked sweetly and sarcastically.

“I just don't understand,” he smirked, “why he calls you the 'top man.'”

“Why's that so funny?”

“We both know that's not true.”

Dan let that sink in. “Phil!” He laughed out loud, Dan beginning to laugh with him, his dimple showing cutely. “Shut up. Am not!”

“Really?” he said slyly. “That's not what happened last –”

“Ok ok ok,” he interrupted. “I might have to turn you in after all.”


“I don't think Lester's very innocent whatsoever.”

Phil giggled and kissed his cheek quickly. “When we get back to my place, want to play Scrabble?”

“Sure, Phil.”

Dan finally walked out the door of the agency in a new way then how he came in – confident, strong, and with someone who loved him – someone he could finally love. 


Yep, that's the end! Hope you all had as much fun and got as many pheels as I did writing it! Leave me a comment so I know what you thought. Love you all! Have a Phantastic day!

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