The Boy in Black

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I sighed as I dropped my bulky black binder on the desk in front of me. It had been a long first day of high school, and I inwardly groaned at the thought of all the parent signature papers I needed to forge to turn in tomorrow. I slumped down in my chair and glanced around the room. I spotted one of my best friends, Meghan, as she walked in, found her seat, and sat. Leaping out of my own chair, I bounded over and stood above her, about to scare the daylight outta her. Then she calmly looked up at me.

"Hi there", she said.

"Merugh. I was gonna scare you!", I pouted.

"Yeah, well, I'm pretty un-scareable", she shrugged.

"Is that so?", I asked, quirking an eyebrow. "What about the time I jump-scared you in my basement, hmmm?"

She paled. "Besides that..."

I chuckled. I thought back to when I had first been partnered with Meghan for an assignment in 5th grade.

Suddenly, a gravelly voice muttered behind me, "Excuse me..." I automatically stepped out of the way so the boy could get by. He slipped between the desks and plopped down his things 3 spaces to Meghan's right. He was dressed in all solid black, even his converse, which I made a mental note to search for on amazon or something the moment I got home. A mop of thick, black hair almost shielded his face from view as he stared at his lap. Pale skin showed only on his face and finger tips, which was odd, considering it was the end of summer and everyone dressed light and white to stay cool in the poorly air-conditioned classrooms. He was different, interesting, shadowy, mysterious. I instantly wanted to know more about him.

The bell rang, and I ran back to my seat. The teacher walked in and introduced himself as Mr. Morelli, our new U.S. History teacher. He seemed ok, until we wrote our hands off taking notes. I couldn't help but notice the darkly-dressed boy in the second front row of the classroom. He didn't take any notes, none at all.

"You're certainly on the road to success, kid...", I thought, rolling my eyes. However, I found myself admiring his seemingly couldn't-care-less attitude. Bold move. Then I saw Mr. Morelli glaring at him and pitied him immensely. The boy looked up and saw Mr. Morelli standing in front of him. With a sigh, he took out a piece of notebook paper and half-heartedly started to write. But as soon as the teacher walked away, he set down his pencil again. I smirked. Niiiiiice.

At last, the final bell rang, and we were permitted to leave. I dashed out the door to reach my locker before the mobs in the hallway swarmed everything. I managed to reach my destination, packed my stuff into my bag as fast as I could, then joined my best friends - Zac, Kaila, Abby, Emily, and Katie - as we walked out to the buses, complaining about our crappy first days the entire way. When I got off at my stop, I trudged home with a heavy heart and an even heavier backpack. Nearly all of my teachers had assigned us a surprisingly large amount of homework for the first day.

I let myself into my house, kicked off my shoes, dropped my bag on the floor, grabbed my tablet, ambled up to my room, literally fell onto my bed, and started watching some anime. God knows I deserved a little relaxation after today. The first day of school always fried my nerves.

But even as I was staring at a bright screen full of shifting pictures in total darkness - don't try this at home, kids, it's bad for your eyes! - I kept thinking back to the boy from 6th hour. I didn't even know his name, but he haunted me more than any ghost ever would.

HEY NEW FRIENDS! I hope you're enjoying my story so far... This is my first story, so please excuse any errors you may find while reading. Better yet, tell me so I can fix them! Leave comments and suggestions for me, they are greatly appreciated!

Good day!

('') ~ MadeonFrost ~ ҉٩(*'︶'*)۶҉

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