Backstories and Car Chases

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Sam's P.O.V.

Unfortunately, as the saying goes, all good things must end. When Dawn sat up, I instantly missed her warmth and comforting weight. She flung her arms wide in a bone-cracking stretch. She flopped around to face me. "Didn't you say that your powers had been... banished?", she asked curiously.

I frowned. "Yes, something like that. Although, now that I think about it, when my dad came looking for me yesterday, I was under the bed in plain sight, and he didn't - or couldn't - see me. I had no clue why, until I realized I was invisible!"

Dawn gasped. "Invisibility? I haven't heard of anyone with that for centuries! It's supposed to be a really rare power."

I pondered this. "Does it mean my powers are returning?"

She wrinkled her nose in thought. "It's very possible", she admitted. "Maybe they aren't the same ones, though. Did you have invisibility before?"

I shook my head. "I didn't have any control over it from occurring this time, either. It just... happened."


"I know!" Then I remembered something I'd wanted to ask about. "Do you have any other powers, besides healing?"

"If I do, I haven't discovered them yet."

"Oh. I was just wondering."

Dawn proceeded to get off the couch and folded up the blankets. I watched as she put them in a small glass cabinet in the corner of the room. "Are you hungry?" I nodded eagerly. She picked up the soup bowls, and I followed her into the kitchen. It was MASSIVE. Shiny silver appliances gleamed in the soft sunlight streaming from the window. A big table sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by plushy black chairs. When I sat down in one, I sank down several inches. Dawn opened a door and walked inside. From my seat, I saw shelves and shelves of food. Why would she need so much stuff to cook with if she lived alone? I voiced this to her. She just answered with a shrug. "I like to cook, I guess..."

She came out of the little room with an armload of ingredients. "I'm going to make you something fabulous!", she promised. I stared as she whipped everything into a liquidity mixture in the blink of an eye - figuratively, of course. The result of her effort was a creamy, coconut-scented bowl of glop. She then scraped it into a pan and slid it into the oven. The timer was set for 10 minutes. Finally, Dawn plopped down in the chair across from me. I was still gaping.

"Where the hell did you learn to cook like that?!", I breathed.

She blew a loose strand of hair out of her face and grinned. "Living alone teaches you many things, my friend. Many things."

Sheesh, I guess so.

"So", she began, "What would you like to do today, sir?"

"Maybe we could get me all set up here so I have a place to sleep tonight...?", It came out as more of a question than a statement. I had to make sure she'd still let me here stay here.

"Certainly! We can go to the mall, get you some new stuff, set up your room. We can leave after lunch."

"You're still ok with me living here, then?", I asked hesitantly.

"Of course!", she said, almost sounding shocked. "Why wouldn't I be?"

My head drooped. This had been worrying me for a while. "Well... I just feel like I've been a burden on you since we've met. I put all my problems on you, made you worry about me so much. Then you healed me, and now I owe you more favors than I can pay up on", I said. I couldn't meet her eyes. She'd been so kind to me already... And here I was asking so much more of her...

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