Chapter 2

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Few months later

Lorenzo's Pov

Today is court day to see who get's custody of Gio my lawyer thinks we have this in the bag but what if they think he is better of with his "mum".

Lola: Babe it is fine she made you chose and you did 

I nodded to numb to speak, we soon arrive and meet our lawyer.

Lawyer: Lorenzo you will be asked to come to the stand and so will your ex you ready 

I nodded we soon go into the court room and soon I was called up.

My lawyer: Please state your full name?

Me: Lorenzo Gio Mason 

My lawyer: Now please  explain why you are here

So I did I went into everything soon her lawyer steps up and tries to put holes in my story, Soon my ex gf go up. 

Her Lawyer: Please explain in your own words what happen

Ex Gf: Two years ago I found out I was pregnant, I told Lorenzo but he said he didn't want anything to do with it and said I had to choose between him and the baby so to spite him I kept it and left it at his doorstep.

My lawyer then step forward

My lawyer: But if my client  didn't want your baby why give him to him anyway

Ex Gf: I was too young to be a mum

My lawyer: He was two years younger than you

Ex Gf: It was his fault, I would have gotten rid of it but no he wouldn't allow it, that thing ruined my body the little it could do if help me with money 

Everyone looks shocked at what just came out

Judge: Silence Lorenzo do you want your son

Me: I love my Son Gio so much and always have and always will

Judge: Well I have made my decsions.









Judge: In the case of Giovanni Perez Mason I grant Lorenzo Mason full custody but as for Natalie Hudson you have no right to your son 

Natalie: How am I meant to pay for everything now

Judge: Get a job and if you really want to be in your sons life then I suggest you talk to his Dad

We all leave and my family come and congratulate me but soon it gets ruined 

Natalie: This won't last long

Me: You know what Natalie do your worse but no matter what I will always have my son

Natalie: I can say you raped me 

Me: Natalie you literally just told a whole court house about that it can be proven you were lying, just please get help and I will let you see your son

Natalie: I'm his mother a boy needs his mum

Me: He has Lola and my whole family

She soon walks away and hopefully that is the last time I hear from her for a while. We carry on for the rest of the day, Lola, Gio and I a happy little family.

Me: Hey Lola would you like to find an apartment together 

Lola: All three of us

Me: Definitely

Lola: I would love to

We soon go and look at apartments and found one.

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