Chapter 12

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One year later

Michael's pov

Well it has been a year since Travis had the news and luckily for us he got the all clear he still has to go in for check ups but he survived. We also had our babies who we called Lily, Laila, Lucas and Liam. Lottie and Hunter loves them so much and so do we, sadly today if my grandpas Lorenzo's funeral he lived an amazing life. I go and sit next to Travis he still isn't 100% energetic so at events and parties he just stays back and everyone understands.

We live and laugh about our grandad lifes and knows he is happy with grandad Joseph.

Back at home

We soon get in the kids wanted to stay with my parents.

Travis: Babe I want you to make love to me

Me: You sure

Travis: I have been thinking about it for a while I can't make love to you as I used to be able to but I want to feel you in me 

Mmm this turns me 

Me: Well then baby your wish is my command I want you on our bed ready for me

Sexual content

The thing is I was always a secret dom but because I could get pregnant I never did anything about it. I walk into the room and see he wasn't on the bed

Me: Is my babyboy being bad

Travis: Michael are you a dom, I need to know before we go further

I nodded

Travis: Why didn't you tell me

Me: Because I could get pregnant and didn't think you would believe me

Travis: It's fine I always known I was a sub but loved you so much 

Me: So will you be my sub

He nodded

Me: I need words

Travis: I would love to be 

Me: I'm going to go grab something I want you on the bed ready for me

I go and get some stuff and soon come back and there he was looking beautiful

Me: Gorgeous 

I go over and make sure I have his consent and soon I cuff him and start my descend on him with his moans turning me on, I quickly gag him and decide to blindfold him and carry on with what I was doing, I lay love bites all over his body.

Travis: Mmmm

Me: What is it babyboy?

I ungag him

Travis: In me now!!

Me: You telling me what to do

Travis: Please in me 

Me: You will be punished

I gag him back up and decide to turn it on, I can see it was turning him on so I decided to get off him and grab something I come back and put it on him and strap it now, I carry on with my assault on his body and soon I can't hold it anymore, so I ungag him just put my fingers in his mouth and start eating him out, once they were ready I st art to strectch him. I finish and start to put my condom on but first I take his blindfold off.

Travis: No condom feel you

I take it off and soon I start making love to him. We went about five rounds and 3 of them he was able to touch me.

Travis: Take this off please master

Me: You were a good boy 

So I took it off and we snuggled up and fell asleep.

3 months later

Travis is still training to be my sub but only when the children are away but recently he has been extremely sick and I am worried his cancer is back so I have booked an appointment with the doctor so I go over to him.

Me: Babe the kids are going to my parents today because we have an appointment

Travis: You are right

Me: It's going to be ok

Travis: What if it's back

Me: Then we will work through it together

He nodded and we were soon at our doctors

Doctor: Travis Keegan

We follow her

Doctor: What seems to be the problem

Travis: I have been sick alot recently and I'm worried my cancer is back

Doctor: Mm

Travis: I have also been having pain in my stomach 

Doctor: Travis this is quite a personal question

Travis: Yes

Doctor: Are you sexually active

Travis: Yes I am

Doctor: Are you the bottom

Travis: Yeah I am now why

Doctor: Can you go pee in this and I will also take some blood

Travis go and do everything

Doctor: Are you his husband

Me: Yeah I am

Doctor: I don't think it is anything to worry about

Travis hands the doctor the cup and she leaves the room and someone comes in to take his blood

Travis: What is wrong with me

Me: Travis I may be wrong but you could be pregnant

He places a hand on his stomach

Travis: Really but I thought only you could

Me: I could be wrong

The doctor comes back

Doctor: So we took some tests and you are still cancer free but 

Travis: I'm pregnant

Doctor: Yes you are but we will be having to keep a closer eye on you throughout this pregnancy so first we want to do an ultrasound

Travis just nods so the doctor tells us to follow her and we soon get there

Doctor: Lay here

He does and soon we are able to see our little baby

Doctor: You are three months pregnant now I am going to book you in for regualar check ups and blood tests

Me: Thank you doctor

I help Travis up and we go and pick up his pre natals

Travis: Our little miracle

Me: I love you 

Travis: How are we going to cope with seven children

Me: First Lottie is 8, Hunter is five and the quads are 1 it will be fine 

Travis: Can we wait a while to tell everyone

Me: Of course 

We go and pick the children up and just spend the rest of the day together

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