The 'Poltergeist'

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Jay ran to Chloe and woke her ao saying how there was a poltergeist in the house. Chloe was excited, she loved the idea of having the house blessed or witnessing an exorcism. From Chloe's room they could hear more stuff breaking and ' Goddamn it!!' from Andy.

Chloe's POV~

" Andyyy! Can you come here?!" I yelled as I closed my door. "What are you doing?" Jay questioned. " Can't spirits attach themselves to a living thing?,' I said , Jay shrugged. " Well I'm gonna see if it's latched onto Andy!!!! Now back away from the door." As soon as we'd moved the door the door fell a couple of metres into the room barely missing my feet. A shocked Andy stood in the doorway , Jay carried the same expression whereas I fangirled .

Jay's POV~
Dear God..... I got up and left, hoping on the Nope train to Fuck-this -Vill. "Jay! Call your sister, we'll need her expertise!" My sister, Naomi, was an exorcist because she adored paranormal stuff, it was what got her up in the morning.  " Jay , wait you don't need to do that!" Andy called after me,"Why?" I questionedas I turned to face him. "Well....I You know what? I wasn't prepared for a follow-up question." I glared at him before picking up the phone and calling Naomi. A few minutes later she was here. I opened the door to see my older sister, her long , soft pink hair was in a ponytail and her yellow eyes gleamed as she held her briefcase. ( A.N the pic is what Naomi looks like)You could tell she was prepared for anything.

Naomi's POV~

As soon as I stepped in the house I could feel the presence of something strong." Okay, I'll stay here over night to investigate any paranormal activity. Jay I'll take your bed." I smiled sweetly at him. It was after that when I saw a new person. " who's this?" I asked gestering at the newcomer who has hiding behind Chloe " Oh right! Naomi this is Andy, Andy, Naomi." Chloe said smiling . I extended my hand out to him for a hand shake he hesitated before taking it. As soon as our hands touched I felt a cold shiver through my veins and when Jay and Chloe weren't looking we glared at each other. " It's nice to meet you." I said faking my smile. "You too" 'Andy' said doing the same thing. Just from shaking 'his' hand I could tell he was something otherworldly.

Andy's POV~
This isn't going to be fun. As we sat in the lounge , Naomi would occasionally send glares at me. I didn't like her either but I was actually trying to be nice. Chloe made up some juice and poured us all a glass, it was getting pretty humid so every one was drinking a lot. I didn't want to take the drink no matter how cold it was I refused to take it. "Andy, aren't you thirsty?" Naomi questioned. "Not really" I replied trying to act casual. "But Chloe made this for us and it's real nice." I shrugged not really thinking. " Just taste it. It's tropical flavor." God she's persistent. " Naomi don't worry about him, he's shy." Chloe said, trying to help me.

Naomi changed the subject and asked about the poltergeist activity that had been seen. She said how she was worried that it might hurt Jay and Chloe and how it was strong for a simple poltergeist.

Naomi's POV~

" What could be happening is that a demon could be attaching itself to the house and yourselves, lucky for you I'm a pro." Using the element of surprise I  threw my drink at Andy, it froze floating in midair right before his face. I've got him now (>:) ) Andy seemed shocked as he moved away from the floating icicle. "Hmmmm.... well we know now that the demon is always around Andy or...

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