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Claudia, who?

Aydan had entirely forgotten Claudia in the middle of his plan to get William back to his life. Well, not entirely, since they still texted and saw each other whenever Aydan wasn't busy with the practices.

Claudia had taken it surprisingly well, yet Aydan wasn't blind. He knew the way he was acting hurt his girlfriend. Even when they met he was distant. It was wrong and he knew it, but after the night at the clubhouse, Aydan just felt like there were oceans between them.

In his mind he had started to think about breaking up, but he wasn't sure, if it would hurt Claudia even more than staying with her but acting cold as hell.

Okay, the latter was probably worse, but Aydan just couldn't bring himself say those words to her. Instead, he tried to seem warmer, while cursing himself for not being able to let Claudia close like she had been before the assault.

On Saturday, when Aydan didn't have practices, he promised to go shopping with Claudia. That was something he really didn't enjoy doing, and it wasn't even because he would have to carry the shopping bags or because of all the numerous stores and clothes that all looked the same.

It was because Claudia had a habit of stealing. She had money, yet she got her kicks from taking something without paying from it.

Aydan had found that out when they were leaving from a jewellery store and the alarm had started ringing. Claudia had simply told Aydan to run, and he had done like she asked.

When they had been panting a few blocks from the store, Claudia had admitted she just couldn't help doing it. Aydan had rigidly told her never to do that again, at least not when he was with her. She had promised, yet Aydan couldn't shake the fear of her doing it again.

Although, to be honest, it was a little bit about carrying the shopping bags and having to go to those stores looking for clothes that all looked the same too.

Aydan would have much rather spent the day at Claudia's or, if they had to be at the mall, going to a movie. If it wasn't he way he had behaved lately, he would have said no to the shopping, but now he had no other options.

''Hi.'' Claudia greeted Aydan with a sunny smile and hugged him.

''Hi.'' Aydan said and quickly pecked her lips. Claudia had clearly made an effort for her looks that day: she had taken new eyelash extensions and the lipstick on her lips was new to him. All the clothes she was wearing were also new, Aydan noticed. Not to mention the new Chanel handbag that put a final touch to her outfit.

''You've been shopping.'' Aydan noted, just stating a fact.

''Yeah, a bit, and I'm not done yet.'' Claudia laughed heartily and took his hand as they continued to some luxurious brand store. So, it was identical clothes after identical clothes for a couple of hours that felt like a lifetime.

Claudia kept asking questions like ''what about this?'' and ''which one looks better?'', so Aydan tried to keep his mind on his company. Not that he actually had any idea which lipstick shade was the best one or if Claudia should choose a pink or white skirt.

Finally, as Aydan's feet ached with exhaustion and there was simply no more space for the shopping bags in his hands, Claudia asked if they should go to eat something.

''What kind of food you fancy?'' She continued.

''Thai cuisine!'' Aydan exclaimed happily now that he had something he actually had an opinion about.

''You know I don't like spicy food.'' Claudia frowned.

''Oh, I forgot. Then what did you have in mind?'' Aydan asked, and soon they were having salads with smoked salmon fillets.

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