Day 1

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Haruki couldn't take it. Her hands were trembling either from fear, anxiety, 3 cups of coffee or from hypoglycemia. She had to go somewhere, anywhere. Anywhere away from this shithole of bad memories and guilt. She grabbed her phone and started typing.

"Jed, would you be mad if I went to La Union?"

Jed was her best friend, her ride or die, her brother from another mother. He was with her through everything; her diagnosis, her first year away from home, her spontaneous invitations to hang out and her never ending laughter type of days. Haruki would hate it if he hated her, and that's a risk she wasn't willing to take.

"No, never. I actually think it would do you good, honestly. Maybe what you need right now is Vitamin Sea. Whatever choice you make, I support you, okay?"
She adjusted her glasses and let out a heavy sigh.

This really wasn't the best week, not even the best life. The pain, sadness and guilt were too much, though they were always there with her. Today was one of those days where she wasn't sure if she could win her daily battle against them, and she really felt like losing. Haruki was in a gamble against death, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to lose. She had to do something, or this was the end for her. She glanced at her phone, hoping for a sign to leave, to escape, to forget everything even just for a little bit.

Caller ID: Luan

Fucking Luan. 

"So are you going?" he said on the other line.

Haruki ran her fingers through her hair, cutting it short was the best impulsive decision she made that year, time to make another "make or break" choice. She wasn't sure at this point. Yes, she wanted to leave so bad, but this was new to her. Picture this, the unica hija, about to leave for another city without her parent's knowledge just to unwind. Impossible right?

"Fine, let's roll a dice. 4 and up says I'm going then 3 and below says I stay."

She rolled a 6.

Well, shit. The dice has spoken, it's La Union time.

Luan was ecstatic, to say the least. This girl, some rando he met on tinder, was on her way to La Union at this very second. Let's be honest, he wasn't a saint. He was used to seeing other girls sweaty, naked and... well, you know the rest. He was the type to meet up for sex, not to just hang out and talk. This was a first for him, so he couldn't help but meld his excitement with nervousness.

"Wait, seriously? You're really doing this?" he said, not believing anything that's happening. Yeah, he did tell her to be impulsive and selfish for once but not like... Fuck it. She needs this, and he knew deep down he needed a break as much as she did.

"Yes. It's either this or something I'm going to regret." Was that sadness he sensed from her voice? Or uncertainty?

"Okay, let's do this then." Luan, forever the perfectionist, reminded her of what she should bring, which she obliged. After all, he was the one from La Union, what does a Baguio girl know about the beach?

In their month-long relationship, they discovered a lot of things about each other.
Haruki was a messy extrovert. Luan, the organized introvert.
She could talk for hours and he would just listen.
She stopped functioning when she felt that familiar wave of sadness engulf her whole, but he would power through that same wave, swimming with all of his might to get out of that rut.
She was the chaotic energy to his system of order.
She was the sun that brought the light to everyone, and he was the moon that kept the darkness company.
She was Denial when he was Acceptance.

These two polar opposites were about to meet. Only 2 things can happen, harmony or destruction, and boy were they about to find out.

Luan's POV

I wanted to run.

I wanted to run to her so bad, the thought of seeing her was so exhilarating I couldn't stop my heart from pounding. What should I say? Would a simple "hi" be enough for her? Should I hug her? No, that would be too much. What she needs right now is a friend, and that's what I plan to be.

"Oh is she the new girl? Your new short-time?"

Dude, I wish. But she was different from the others. There is just so much more about her I want to know. Yeah I like her, but do I really? Is this the type of happiness everyone keeps talking about? What's going to happen next? My steps got faster, but I tried my best to stay calm. Fuck, Luan, you aren't like this. You've been with countless girls who were ready to bare it all for you, their minds, bodies and soul. Why was she different? Was it her smile? I've seen prettier faces than hers. Her body? Let's be honest, I've seen better. Her mind? Yeah she's smart, she's a Med Student for fuck's sake, but I don't think it's that. Universe, give me a sign, what is it about her? 

What is this girl doing to you Luan?

I kept checking my phone for updates, just to make sure she was safe. She really went and contacted some driver she doesn't know after deciding she wanted to go here for approximately 5 minutes of thinking. Maybe, just maybe, this might be more than we expect it to be. Maybe this isn't just landian or one of those regular meetups. Maybe we were getting into something more... serious? No. It can't be, at least not right now. It's still too early to tell and we haven't met yet. I know she needs a friend right now, and that's what I'm going to be. A friend. A good friend.

I saw a silver pick-up truck in the distance. The model and plate number matched the description Haru sent me. There she is, I can see her.

Deep breaths, Luan, deep breaths.

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