Day 7

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"I hope to see you in Baguio, Haru."
"We'll see, Luan. But for now, I'm glad I got to spend this day with you, and I wouldn't have it any other way." She reached in for one final hug. They didn't want this to end, but they both had to face the reality of their own Lives. Haru with her medschool life in Baguio, Luan staying here in La Union, continuing his journey to be the best Urban Design Architect he could ever be.

"Thank you for making my week, Haru." They broke the hug, both of them wishing something, anything, would keep them together in this moment. She smiled, but her eyes were sad.

"I have a few minutes to spare, walk with me?" Haru reached out her hand. Luan hesitated, his social anxiety welling up, but he grasped her hand tightly. Who knew when he'd get to hold her hand again? The pair walked around the plaza, it was almost night and the street food vendors were starting to close down their shops. The street lights were turning on one by one, illuminating their path.

A path towards a life together or just until they learn what life lessons are in store for them, that they did not know. All that mattered was this was a start to a great partnership, whether it was romantically or platonically didn't matter, as long as they were together. Uncertainty coated the gravel beneath their shoes, even so they trudged forward, eager to see what destiny had in store for them.

The same silver van was just in sight. Luan let go of Haru's hand and turned her to face him. He contemplated if he should kiss the lips of his now partner-in-crime, but decided against it. If he had no goals before, now he had one, and that was to see her again. Haru placed her hand on his cheek, secretly hoping something would happen that would let her stay longer in this place she found solace in. Maybe she'll get lucky next time.

"Well, my ride's here. Thank you so much, Luan. For everything."
With a heavy heart she sat in the passenger seat of the van that would take her back to her regular life. Away from this place, where she found solstice, happiness and belongingness. They looked at each other one last time. This was either one day or day one of whatever their situation was. An untimely event started from a simple connection that could progress into a beautiful friendship, partnership or relationship. As the van drove away, one thing was clear to the both of them, this simple meeting changed their lives forever.

Luan stared at the van, his heart full but hungry for more. More of her kiss, her touch, her smiles, and most of all the warmth she brought to him. He never knew life was cold until he felt the warmth of her sun. That was all he wanted and until then, he swore he'd protect her until the end of eternity

Haruki sank into her seat, dreading to face the inevitable failure set for her, but with Luan's words, she felt a little bit brave for a cowardly lion like her. Luan and Elyu, an unlikely pair that brought her to where she started, what her goal was, and how she'd plan to get back on track. She disagreed with Luan, he wasn't a bad influence of a bad person, he was true. No matter what people thought, he stayed loyal to his truth and she admired that. She was going back to Baguio but she knew a piece of her will always be in the waves and beaches of La Union.

Haru looked at the rear-view mirror, Luan's figure slowly disappearing from view. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and prayed for the first time in years, for an opportunity to come back to this place she can now call "Her Peace".

"See you soon, Elyu."

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