Chapter 41

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Sebastian POV*

6 weeks.

4 days

18 hours

43 minutes

17 seconds...

18 seconds...

19 seconds...


That is how long my mate has been in a coma. After my talk with Anja I just thought that after a couple days she would awaken but after a week I demanded that the staff in the pack hospital do tests to figure out why she was still unconscious. After an MRI of the brain we realized that because of the beating she took she was bleeding into her brain causing her to fall into a deeper coma so her body would heal. I haven't left her side at all. Every day without her made my heart hurt. It was physically hurting me to not be able to see her beautiful, unique yellow eyes, to hear her amazing voice. My wolf tried time and again to call out to hers but when Anja didn't answer he whimpered like a lost puppy.

Miss mate. He said over and over.

I do to. I replied sadly.


After Anja cut off our connection I passed out almost immediately. As soon as the darkness pulled me under I was swept into a familiar place. It was the forest where I first met the Moon Goddess. I stood there awkwardly for a moment before Luna came out from behind a tree. At the sight of me she smiled warmly causing a smile to stretch across my face.

"You've done well my child." She said.

"B-but...I didn't kill him. Daniel is still alive." I replied. I looked down ashamed.

"That is true. But you did stop him. That is all I asked of you." She said gratefully. I looked up at her with a frown still etched in my face.

"I-I don't understand."

"Child you were never destined to kill Daniel. His punishment will be much worse than that."

"His punishment?" I asked.

"Yes. For years after losing his mate Daniel ignored his wolf and went against him." She explained.

"Okay. But what am I supposed to do?"

"Simple. You are going to separate him from his wolf." She said causing me to gasp. I've heard legends of the Moon Goddess separating humans from wolves and it is supposed to be the most painful experience ever. In the separation process the human is pushed back into their own minds locked there forever while their wolf takes control. The wolf practically becomes human.

"But I don't have enough power to do that." I said dumbly. Luna smiled.

"Arina you are my creation. I gave you more than enough power to do this. Do not be afraid of hurting Daniel or his wolf. I have spoken directly with Jakob, his wolf, and he wants nothing more than to be separated from his human. He is willing to bear the pain in order to live his own life." She said.

"How do I do it?" I asked. He smiled widen and she raised her hands. She then placed one hand on my forehead then the other over my heart.

"It's simple really. Place your hands like this then let your power flow through you. Jakob will reach out to you. When he does you must grab on to him and pull with all your might. It will not be easy. Daniel and Jakob will both be in a tremendous amount of pain but you can't stop because if you do you'll end up killing them both and possibly yourself. Do you understand?" She asked. I nodded and she smiled. She then started to back away from me and fade from sight.

"Wait!" I called. She stopped. "Is it really over?"

"Is the threat of Daniel over? Yes. Will there be other threats in the future? Yes." She said. I felt my face drop. "Will you be ready to face those threats? Yes." She said before completely disappearing. I sighed and sat down on a log nearby.

"Okay." I said to no one in particular. "I guess it's time to wake up." I closed my eyes and tried to wake myself up. When I reopened them I was still in the forest. I huffed in frustration. Why couldn't I wake up? I tried again but it didn't work.

"You're in a coma." An unfamiliar female voice said behind me. I jumped up and spun around. I gasped when I saw a beautiful women in a flowing white gown standing behind me. She had long chocolate brown hair and soft blue eyes almost like mine used to be.

"A-a coma?" I said stupidly.

"Yes. Do you know who I am?" She asked. I shook my head. "My name is Bethany Thomas. My friends and family called me Beth." My eyes widened and I gasp. This was Beth. As in the Beth that was mated to Daniel.

"Daniel's mate." I said. Pain flashed through her eyes.

"Yes. Daniel was my mate. That is why I am here. I need to speak with you."

"Speak with me?"

"Yes. I need to talk to you about him. About the old him. Before you make your judgment over him." She said. She then pointed to a nearby log and asked me to sit. "Daniel and I met when we were young. Our parents were friends. We spent our childhoods as friends and when we both shifted we found we were mates. Daniel was sweet, caring, and considerate. He never hurt anyone. He was so gentle. His father hated it but his mother encouraged it. Then when his father died and Daniel had to step up as Alpha he changed. He became cold to everyone but me. He forced his Beta and T.I.C. to step down and he chose Markus and James as his new higher ups. After a while he even became cold towards me. He never hit me he just stopped talking to me. When I became pregnant with our son he was so happy. He turned back into the old Daniel. And then when I went into labor early and died he went crazy. I watched him make all those mistakes from the Heavens and couldn't do anything. Look. I'm not asking you to forgive him. Or even spare his life. I am asking you to give Jakob a chance to prove himself."

"Jakob? His wolf?" I asked.

"Yes. It's hard enough losing the human side of my mate please don't make me lose the wolf side as well. Just give him a chance. If you do give him a chance and he proves himself then Jakob still has a chance to come into the Heavens instead of burning in Hell with Daniel. I don't have much more time so I have to ask you. Please consider it." She said quickly. I nodded and she began to fade.

"Wait!" I called out to her. "How do I wake up?"

"Just...think about waking to your mate and pup. Think about your life before you fell unconscious. Think about the good parts!" She called before completely fading out. I sighed and fell back onto the log I had been sitting on. I closed my eyes and did what she said. I thought of Sebastian, Sammie, Hazel, Collin, Celestria, Kale, Vera, Lucas, and everyone else in the pack. I thought of Christmas. I thought of the night of my marking. I thought about the day I shifted and ran through the woods with my mate. I thought about my life. And then, when I opened my eyes, I saw a blinding light.

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