Chapter 34

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"It's Christmas!" Sammie screamed as he rushed forward onto the bed. I opened my eyes to see the glowing little boy and my mate beaming down at me happily. I smiled and leaned forward against the headboard and tucked Sammie into my lap.

"Have you seen my presents yet?" I asked him.

"No not yet. 'Bastian said we had to wake you up 'for I could." Sammie said grumpily. I smiled and got off the bed taking him with me.

"Then I guess we should go the 'huh?" I said causing the boy's face to brighten.

"Not in that your not." Sebastian said behind me. I looked down to see that I was in booty shorts and a tight pajama top. I smiled and handed Sammie to Sebastian then headed to the walk in closet for less revealing clothes. I didn't know whether it was a formal affair to casual so settled for dressing for both. I picked out a simple white summer dress and covered it with a black leather jacket. I added my favorite black converse to finish the look. When I was dressed I ran into the bathroom and decided to leave my beautiful midnight hair down in its natural beach wave curls. When I exited the bathroom to find Sebastian speaking intently with Sammie who was looking up at him in awe.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked them snapping them out of their secretiveness. Sammie opened his mouth to speak but Sebastian quickly snapped his hand over the small boys mouth silencing him.

"We were just talking about how beautiful you look." He said nervously. I narrowed my eyes at his obvious lie but let it slide.

"Come on little man." I said opening my arms for Sammie. He smiled and Sebastian let him go so he could jump into my arms. I hoisted him up and and look towards Sebastian. My mate smiled and took my hand pulling me out the door and towards the stairs. When we got downstairs I saw that everyone was already waiting for us. Both of my parents, my sister, her mate, Alexandr, Hazel, Kale, the twins, and, Sebastain's parents waited for us, crowded around the tree waiting for us to come down. Once we were down Hazel grabbed me away from my mate pulling me down next to her. Sebastian growled slightly but let it slide saying something about passing out presents. Once he and Kale were done, he sat down in between my knees on the floor. I ended up with 6 presents. One from each person there. I felt bad because I had gotten no one presents but Sebastian informed me he had taken care of everything. Suddenly Hazel jumped up on a table and held her hands up silencing everyone.

"Alright my dearest friends and family," She began. "today is, regretfully, my dearest sister-in-laws first Christmas ever! Let us make it grand!" When she finished everyone "Whooped" and "Yay"ed and clapped causing me to blush in embarrassment. "Alright Ari so here's how this works; We each go around and open one present. It's not that hard is it? Nope? Okay. Since it's your first time you go first 'kay? 'kay." I nodded and grabbed the first present in the stack. Hazel squealed and jumped down into Collin's lap. "That's from us." I smiled gratefully and carefully opened the small box with blue and red stripped wrapping paper. Inside of it was a small white box with a picture of a rectangular device on it. I looked down at Sebastian with a questioning look.

"It's called an Ipod." He said. "It plays music."

"Ohhh...." I said looking back down at the small device. "Thank you Hazel and Collin."

"You are so very welcome my dear! I will show you how to use it later 'kay? Alright Sammie it's your turn little dude." Sammie squealed and tore open the small red package he was given. When he saw the red fire truck toy tucked inside he squealed again. He turned to me with the brightest smile I had ever seen on the boy.

"Look Mommy it's a fiwer twuck!" He said beaming. Everyone around us, including Sebastian, froze and looked at me gauging my reaction. The little boy was still smiling proudly, unaware of what had just come out of his mouth.

"Wow!" I said to him. "That is so cool!" When the words came out of my mouth ever one in the room let out a breath.

Are you okay? Sebastian asked me through mind-link. I nodded to him, then looked to his sister to continue having people open presents. She smiled and stood up, picking up a present and thrusting it into my sister's hands continuing the cycle of opening gifts.

By the end of the gift exchange I was getting more and more excited about Sebastian's gift. I tried to grab it because it was the biggest box but he would shake his head and give me another present instead. I was practically jumping in my seat in excitement. When my turn finally came I had a huge grin on my face.

"I actually have two presents for you." Sebastian said. I smiled and let him pull my from the love-seat. He started to pull me towards the door and I frowned.

"Where are we going?" I asked him. I turned to see everyone walking behind us excitedly. I turn back to Sebastian.

"Your first present is outside love." He told me. I nodded then let him pull me out the door. Just before I got through the threshold, Hazel leapt forward and covered my eyes with her hands.

"Wouldn't want to ruin your surprise would we?" She said in my ear. Suddenly I was pulled to a stop and stood there blind.

"Come on guys! What is it?" I asked impatiently.

"Don't be impatient now, Rina." A familiar male voice said. The combination of the voice and the nickname caused my breath to catch in my throat. When Hazel removed her hands I nearly collapsed. Standing in front of me were my two best friends from childhood.

"Lex! Amy!" I squealed launching myself into their arms. Tears streamed down my face as I pulled them closer.

"Oh, its been so long little Rina." Amy said into my hair. She pushed me backwards a little so she could look at me. "I love what you've done with your hair! And your eyes have changed as well. How long has it been little Rina? 3? 4 years? You've grown so much!" I was beaming. I looked up at her brother and my tears spilled over.

"You brought her here?" I asked him.

"Yes, Rina. Your mate called me and asked for me to come for a reunion. When he said that I automatically thought to bring Amy. You did ask me about her last time we saw each other." He said gesturing towards Sebastian. I turned towards my mate, who had a genuine smile on his face.

"How did you even know how to reach him?"

"I found the number he gave you. I almost threw it out but Hazel told me how much he meant to you so I decided to give him a call. We set this up weeks ago." He told me. I flashed him a grateful smile and he beamed at me proud that I loved his first present.

"So tell me Rina, what has happened since we last talked?" Lex asked me.

"Well...I found out I was part witch, which is the cause of my hair and eyes changing." I said to him. He nodded and helped me and his sister up off the ground.

"Well in that case, my little Rina, you're mate has another present for you to open." He said. I nodded and jumped on his back like I did as a child. He chuckled and headed towards the house.

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