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Kong's POV

I slowly walked over to the dog and squat down in front of it.. I put both my hands forward.. I slowly tried to touch the dog but it barked.. I stopped my hand movement but did not retard it.

"Nong.. if it bites.. I won't take the responsibility.. " The shopkeeper shouted.. 
"Kong.. you will get yourself bitten." Em warned me.. I played deaf and looked into it's eyes.. Then slowly moved my hand and touched the dog.. I patted the dogs head and then ran my fingers through it hair.. 

The dog immediately barked as it came close to me.. I hugged it as it came to me.. It started licking me.. making me laugh.. 
"Enough.. enough.." I stopped it from licking me.. and played with it.. 
"How did you do that.?" The shopkeeper asked.
"It was just aggressive.. so if we want to calm it down.. first make it trust that you won't harm it.. and then approach.." I replied.. 

"Let me help you to put the dog back in it's place." I said.. The shopkeeper nodded.. both of us put the dog back in it's place.. The dogs name was Milo.. it was a cute name.. After that we went back to where Em and Tew were.. 

"You were great.. where did you learn it.?" Tew asked me.
"I am an animal lover.. but since I can't take care of one.. I use my free time to look after the stray dogs or cats.. that was how I learned." I replied. They smiled at me.. 

"Sir.. can we talk now.?" I asked the shopkeeper. 
"I am sorry for lashing out. I was worried about them. And please sit down.. we will talk." He said. 

We sat down in the sofa.. the previous cat which fought with the dog came near my legs and started meowing.. I took it into my hands.. 
"Hey there.. why were you fighting.." I asked.. It again meowed.. 
"It's name is Pluto.. The previous cats which were lost are also of the same breed 'sphynx'.. this is the only one which was here.." The shopkeeper said.

"Can you tell us what exactly happened.?" Em asked. He also took out his book to take down points while I just started recording whatever he was saying in my mobile. Tew and Em did not notice it though.. the cat sat on my shoulder as I started listening to the person..

"Sphynx breed is really rare and expensive.. I have bought around 20 cats of this breed because the people in this locality liked that breed.. most of the people who wanted a pet as cat wanted to have one of this breed.. so seeing that.. I bought them here." The shopkeeper said.. and stopped for few seconds.

"It was 5 days back I bought them.. I made every arrangement.. for them to stay.. but 2 days back.. I came here in the morning.. and found all the sphynx breed cats missing except this little one.. at first I did not know it was there.. but when I was searching for the cats.. it was sleeping with other breed cats.. and was practically not visible unless we move those cats.." He said.

"Sir.. got anything in the CCTV cameras..?" Tew asked.
"No.. they destroyed all of them.. in this lane.. the police even checked the surrounding cameras with are at the endings of this locality but there was nothing they could suspect of. They did search for vehicles also in which the pets can be taken.. but they found nothing to suspect." He replied. 
"Thank you sir.. we will meet again.. and I hope you will co-operate with us.. if in case we come up with an idea.." Em said.. We stood up to leave. 

I gave back Pluto to the shopkeeper and went along with them.. we went to one isolated area and sat down.. 
"Now what..? No leads.." Em said.
"We do have a few.." I said.. Both Tew and Em were looking at me with questioning eyes..
"First.. they can't take 20 cats in a small car.. it would need a little bigger one.. which would be covered.. second.. according to shopkeeper police said that there was no vehicle the could suspect on.. that means they are still in this locality.. third.. by now they must have at least 30-40 cats.. and if at all they are alive.. they will need to buy a huge amount of food for them.. we can go to the supermarkets and check their cameras." I said.

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