chapter 41 ✦ awaken

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Peter's Point of View:

I was leaned back in the hospital chair, staring at Riley with my fist under my chin. My eyes drooped. I was so tired. I couldn't sleep. Hook and Henry were with me.

"Go home, Peter," Hook pressured and I shook my head. "You need to sleep, mate."

"I can't," I spoke, denying his words. "I can't leave her."

"Peter," I heard my name and I looked over to the doorway. Dr. Whale stood with a clipboard with sorrow in his eyes. "It's been a week and she's on life support. We can't have her here anymore. We're going to have to pull the plug," I was astonished by his words. My lips trembled and I nodded.

"Okay," I whispered. "It's for the best. She can't suffer anymore."

"I'll get the paperwork," He nodded and left the room. I turned back to Riley, leaning forward and grabbing her hand. I brought it to my mouth and kissed it.

"Please, wake up," I whispered to her. "I can't live without you," I heard footsteps rushing towards the room and I looked to see Emma.

"I found a way!" She exclaimed and my eyebrows scrunched up, confused. "I found a way to save her," She rushed over to the side of the bed. "Regina and I both broke the curses by kissing Henry's forehead."

"You want me to-"

"No, I mean it's a family bound. Hook can break the curse," Emma explained further. I turned to Hook and he just stared at Riley.

"Please," I begged and he looked over at me. "Don't you want to save your daughter?"

"What if it doesn't work?" He argued.

"And what if it does?" I defended Emma's point. "I'm suppose to pull her plug in an hour. We need to try anything!" He nodded and got up, going over to the side of the bed. He stared down at Riley's peaceful face, smiling at her. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead, closing his eyes. Suddenly, a surge of magic sprung out and a wind gushed through everyone. He pulled his lips away from Riley's forehead and we all stared at her. Nothing. My face fell and my eyes went to the ground. A gasp was heard and my head shot up to see Riley awake. We all smiled and she stared at us. Emma rushed out of the room to get Dr. Whale. "You're awake!" I cheered and she nodded. Something seemed off. She looked around the room, looking at every single face. Dr. Whale and Emma came in a few moments later. "Where am I?" Riley asked. My face went pale. "Who are you people?!"

"I'm gonna have to ask everyone to leave the room!" Whale commanded. "Nurse!" I stared at Riley as a bunch of nurses crowded around her, along with Dr. Whale, trying to talk to her. I was soon shoved out of the room and the door slammed in front of me.

Riley's Point of View:

"What do you remember?" The doctor asked and thought for a minute.

"Only an island. I don't know. It's all blurry," I rambled, rubbing my head. He wrote that down on a clipboard.

"Well, you have memory loss, but it could return. The smallest things could trigger your memory. We are going to prescribe you some medication for the time being," He explained and I nodded.

"Who were those people?" I asked, looking at the closed door.

"Your family. They've been waiting to have you back," The doctor said with a smile.

"And the boy?"

"That was your fiance, Peter," He continued to write on the clipboard. I smiled, thinking about love. Where have I heard that name? Peter. Who am I?


The hospital kept me over the weekend and I was soon allowed to go home. The blonde woman who I learned was named Emma picked me up. I wanted Peter to pick me up. He's my fiance. I should be getting to know him. We got to Emma's yellow bug that was parked in front of the hospital. We were off. I leaned my head against the car window and stared out at the trees as we drove home. Emma would occasionally sneak glances. We pulled up to a little diner called Granny's and Emma pulled me inside. We sat down in a both and she went to order. She came back with two mugs in her hand. She put one of them in front of me.

"Hot cocoa with cinnamon," Emma smiled. "You used to get it sometimes."

"Thanks," I smiled and picked it up, taking a sip. It was delicious. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man staring at me. I recognized him from the hospital room. "Who's that?" I whispered, not wanting him to hear me. Emma looked over at him and he immediately turned away.

"Well, for starters, he's your father," She confessed and my eyes bulged out of my head.

"Really?" She nodded. "What about the little boy?"

"That's my son along with another woman named Regina. You'll meet here soon," Emma explained and I looked at her confused.

"Are you guys-"

"God, no. Henry's her adoptive son. I'm his birth mother," She snorted and I nodded. This was going to be a long week. 

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