chapter 42 ✦ going home

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Emma opened the door to her apartment and a woman came rushing up to me with a baby in her arms. She hugged me, tightly. I was confused. I didn't hug back.

"Mom," Emma spoke. "She doesn't remember," She whispered to her mother. The woman's smile disappeared. I felt bad. I really did. Emma pulled her into the other room and I stayed in the doorway. I looked around the apartment, taking in every detail. It was like another old tree house which fascinated me. I took a few steps and walked into the dining room. I closed my eyes and put my hand on the dining room table. Everything felt so familiar, but at the same time, I couldn't recall any memory of being here. I opened my eyes and they landed on a picture. It was a picture of Peter and I. We were embracing each other while also looking at the camera. We looked so happy. I reached for the picture and grabbed it, staring down at it.

"That's my favorite picture of us," A voice said from behind me. I peered over my shoulder to see the boy himself. "I have a copy in my wallet," I put the photo back down and smiled. "That's the day when we arrived back in Storybrooke. It was taken in front of Granny's."

"We look happy," I described and he nodded.

"Yeah, we do," He agreed. I felt awkward. Emma and the woman soon came back a few seconds later.

"Hello, Peter," The woman smiled at him.

"Hello, Mary Margaret. It's good to see you," He smiled. I looked at Mary Margaret.

"Where should I put my stuff?" I asked her, eying my backpack and she was surprised by me speaking to her.

"Oh-uh," She stuttered. "In the guest room is fine, dear."

"I'll show her," Peter offered and he took hold of my hand, dragging me up the stairs. We turned a corner and he opened the door to a room. The walls were painted blue and the bed was in the center of the room with a table on the left of it. I let myself be free of Peter's grip and plopped my stuff on the bed. He closed the door behind us. "Riley?" I looked at Peter. He stepped towards me and I looked up at him, staring into his eyes. He softly smiled at me. His eyes went back and forth from my lips to my eyes. He leaned in and our lips touched. Fireworks. Bombs. My feelings were about to burst. It felt so good and I was craving more. I kissed back and brought my hands up to his neck, weaving my fingers in his brown hair. He had his hands on my waist. We stumbled back, not breaking the kiss. We fell on the bed, him on top of me. My hand found its way under his shirt and I felt his stomach, finding his abs. I smiled into the kiss and let out a moan which made him smirk. I put my leg around his waist and flipped us so that I was on top on him. I pulled back from the kiss and smiled at him. He felt my body, up and down. I leaned back down and attached our lips. Suddenly, I heard a knock and I broke us apart, scrambling off of him. Peter got up from the bed.

"Come in," I called and the door opened to reveal Emma.

"Dinner is ready, Riley. Peter, you're welcome to join," She smiled and I nodded.

"Be right down," I smiled and she closed the door. I huffed out in relief. Peter started to laugh and I soon joined in.

"That was fun," He smirked which made me blush. "I should get going," He walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "See you later?" I nodded and he smiled. He opened the bedroom door and went towards the stairs.

"Peter," I spoke and he turned around, looking at me from his spot at the top of the stairs. "I know I don't remember you, but I do think we have something."

"I do too," He smiled and I ran up to him, giving him a hug. He pulled away after a few moments and walked down the stairs, going out of the apartment. I stared at the front door from the stairs.

"I told you to save your energy, love." He warned again. "It's enchanted."

"Let me go." I growled, gripping the bars of the cage.

"Sorry, can't. You see when someone breaks my rules, I have to resort to punishment." He explained, bitterly laughing.

"I tried but they didn't listen." I argued as I rose my voice. He kneeled down to the height of the cage, getting closer to the bars.

"Riley, you should know by now that adults don't listen to children. That's why kids come to and dream of Neverland." He snapped while staring with intense eye contact. I smiled and spit on his face. He jerked back with disgust, wiping his face. He got up, kicking my cage.

"That's for Bae." I shouted. He rolled his eyes and flashed out, leaving Felix. "Hello Monkey."

"Why do you even try?" He asked with a sore expression.

"Cause' it's worth it." I retorted. He shook his head and started to walk away. "Ohh Felix!" He turned around with a blank expression. "I'll miss you!" I sarcastically called.


I gasped when I saw that we appeared on a cliff overlooking a waterfall. He still held onto me.

"Jump," He demanded. I shook my head, fiercely.

"So, this is your plan on how to kill me, huh?" I barked to him. His grip tightened. A sword materialized in his other hand and he held it to my throat.

"I don't think I was clear," He growled in my ear. "Jump." He removed the sword from my throat and backed away, slowly. I held my hands up and started to back away. I felt an absence of the ground and stumbled back. No magic means no immortality. I waved my arms in the air and fell back. I screamed as I fell.

"RILEY!" Pan yelled in worry. I somehow latched my fingers to the edge of the cliff. Why is he worried?! My eyes narrowed at the bottom of the waterfall. I shakily looked up to see Pan peeking down at me with the sword still in his hand. I showed no emotion to him. No sign of wanting help. I closed my eyes and swung my other arm to the cliff. Sweat rolled down my forehead and I pulled myself up. I hugged the ground and my hair dangled down from my head to the ground. Don't cry. Pan kneeled down and brushed my hair out of my face. "Are you okay?" My eyes darkened at his question. I sprung up and ran away from him. "Where are you going?!"

"Camp, where else?" I shouted back at him.

"What is wrong with you?" He yelled. I stopped in my tracks and whipped around, rushing up to his face.

"You want to know what's wrong?" I hissed. He looked blankly at him. "One minute, I'm hanging over a cliff which you made me do and the next, you suddenly care if I'm alright?!" He stood silent. "You're fucking bipolar or some shit! I can stand you, oh my g-" I felt a pair of lips suddenly, press against mine. My body filled with shock. My hands snaked into his hair and I started to kiss back somehow. I closed my eyes and melted into it. He pulled me closer to him and his arms wrapped around my waist. He started to push me back until I was against a tree. He grabbed my arm and put it above my head, pushing his body closer on mine. He pulled away and softly, looked at me. My lips were swollen with passion and I wanted more. He seemed panicked next and stepped away. I watched as he ran into the jungle and I knew I had to go after him.

My eyes shot open and I found myself on the ground.

"Riley!" I heard Mary Margaret yell up the stairs. I was in a daze. I heard footsteps coming up and a gasp. "Riley! Are you okay?!" I nodded and she helped me up. "Let's get some food into you. I made chicken stir fry. Peter said it was your favorite." I felt my mouth water. I did sound good. I smiled and thanked her. She helped me down stairs and we ate, but the only thing that was on my mind was that vision I had. 

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