Chapter 2.

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(Name) snapped her eyes open as jumped up and tried to peek through a hole in cloth that was over the cage. Jewel and Blu then woke up. 

"Jew Jew, come look here.." (Name) whispered to her best friend.

(Name) flew out of the way and held onto the bars next to the hole in the cloth. Jewel walked over to the hole and ripped it open a bit more to peek through. 

"Okay, okay, there's no place like home, there's no place like home, oh how I wish I was I was back in my own cage with my mirror and my swing and my little bell, oh how I missed my little bell." (Name) looked over to Blu with a confused raised eyebrow.

"Shh, play dead. " Jewel then said as she fell onto her back on the floor of the cage with her feet in the air, (Name) followed suit.

"I don't need to play dead, I'm about to have a heart attack."

"Shut it Blu and play along!" (Name) whisper yelled to Blu. 

"Yeah, just do it." Jewel agreed with (Name).

"Ugh, fine." He groaned, then he dramatically pretends to die and twitched a little.

"Stop twitching."

"Come on, it's the twitching that sells it." The three hear knocking and continue to play dead. the door opens and in shone a light through the hole in the cloth covering the cage.

"Come on in, kid." The door closes and they sit the cage onto a table.

"Well, what'd you know, good work Fernando. You see boys, what did I tell you about this one." 

"That you were gonna pay him half as much as you said." There was slapping sound that (Name) heard clearly and the person that was slapped yelped and said 'ow'.

"No you idiot, that he reminds me of myself when I was that age. Smart, resourceful. Here you go kid."

"Hey! This is only half of what you promised me."

"Ah shut up, kid." The man that said that had then removed. "What the..." The man opened the cage and grabbed both Jewel and (Name). "I thought I told you I needed these birds alive. Tell me, Fernando, does this look alive to you?! Huh?!!" 

Jewel and (Name) snapped open their eyes and bit the man holing them's hand. Once the man yelped in pain and let go of the girls, the two female birds took off. They saw a way out and just as (Name) was going to be the first to escape, her and Jewel were grabbed my the throats.

"Hello pretty birds~ What's the matter? Cockatoo got your throat?~ " The horrid Cockatoo said as he leaned down to the faces of the female Blue Spix Macaw and the female white, blue and golden specked Canary.

"Nigel, alive."

"To be continued." The Cockatoo, known as Nigel, picked up the two girls, grazing (Name)'s right leg with his sharp claw. Nigel then harshly tossed (Name) and Jewel into the cage they and Blu were in. 

"That was your plan? To take off and leave me?" (Name) and Jewel glared at Blu. 

(Name) tried to stand up, but yelped in pain at there was a cut on the side of her leg because of Nigel's claw. The two Blue Spix Macaws in the cage with the Canary looked to her in deep concern and gasped at the sight of cut.

(Name) looked to Blu with a hard glare. "Well why didn't you follow us." Nigel then landed on the guy's arm. 

"Nice work, Nigel." The guy pets the Cockatoo.

"Yeah, nice work, Nigel." A round man said in a mocking tone to the Cockatoo. Nigel hissed at the round man, who flinches back.

"The last Blue Macaws on earth." The man holding Nigel put chains connecting Blu and Jewel together and a shortish chain on (Name)'s legs, obviously not being careful of the injury that she has.

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