Chapter 4.

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(Name)'s POV.

The sun arose and graced the land in its beaming rays of light, chasing away the dark night with its wonderful colour and light. The best thing about the mornings for us Golden Specked Canary's, is the light from the sun that grace our feathers and brings a beautiful and soft golden light shines off of us and brightens up the day.

I stood up on one leg and stretched my wings and body, the golden light shining off of my feathers. I then took the daring step to put pressure on my injured foot. 

I looked down at my feet and slowly started to place my injured foot on the ground. 

"Ah.." I flinched a bit, but then fully placed my foot on the ground. I had a slight limp in my walk, but my face lit up like fireworks on New Years as I was beyond happy that I could walk again.

"WOOHOO!!" I screamed to the top of my lungs, accidentally waking up Jewel and Blu......

"Woops.." I chuckled and hid behind my 'hair', really it's just longer feathers on my head that are in a side swipe style.


I watched as Jewel and Blu set up a contraption Blu made to break the chains on our legs.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I questioned with worry in my tone.

"Positive. Check out my math." Blu then pointed to a diagram he drew in the ground. 

"Yeah.. That's... that's comforting." I replied, unsureness in my voice.

"Thank you. Look, let's just get these chains broken." Jewel said.

"Ya, I agree. We need to do this quick." I agreed with my best friend. 

"Right. Then we can go and find Linda."

"No, you can go find Linda. Once these chains are off, (Name) and I are going to go back to being free in the jungle, deal?" Jewel explained to Blu, I nodded and hummed in agreement as I flew next to Jewel.

"Fine, deal." When Blu stretched out his wing, he accidentally bumped the lever holding the bolder. Jewel panicked and instantly grabbed the chain on my legs and was pulled with them. The three birds then crashed into the bolder, and Jewel grumbled at Blu.

"Nice work, Brainiac." Jewel grumbled at him.

Blu, Jewel and I stood up from our crashed position in the bolder. I winced as my wounds had reopened on my neck and only a bit on my leg, I can still limp-walk though.

I flapped my wings and glided off of the bolder and gently landed on the ground, good leg first then injured leg last. 

A rustling noise then sounded from the bushes, and I saw a black, white and orange figure move in the bushes. I saw that Blu noticed the movement and sounds too. 

"I think there's something watching us." I whispered too Jewel and Blu. 

I was about to turn around and look at the bush that made the noise, when I came face to face with a baby toucans.

"Oh my goodness. You are so cute and precious!" I cooed as the baby toucan jumped into my arms. They snuggled against my chest, I was only slightly bigger than the baby toucan since I'm slightly smaller than an average female canary.

As I softly looked at the baby toucans that was snuggling into me, the rest ended up attacking Blu and Jewel. I lightly giggled at the situation the two macaws were in.

"Intruders!!" One toucan screeched, and attacked Jewel and Blu again. I giggled a bit more as I rubbed my wing in circles on the back of the baby toucan I was holding in my wings. I started humming a soft tune and the baby toucan fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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