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It was getting more difficult to live in this world.

On the weapons; they were doing fine. They had ammo, knives, spears, guns, all that.

As for food and other necessities; it was getting more difficult since they had raided most of the places closer to them. They had a stock of food, but it wouldn't last long considering there were fourteen of them.

They actually started to hunt in the forest for small animals they could fix up and eat. It's been a while since any of them had eaten some sort of meat since they ate canned and packaged food for so long.

They also started planting their own crops in the backyards of the house. Vegetables and fruits they could eat and use to prepare meals.


"Kaylina, hurry the fuck up. It doesn't take that long to grab your fucking weapons!" Draco shouted in annoyance from out the house, on the porch.

Rolling her eyes, Kaylina put her knife in her waistband on the front of her jeans, her gun in the back of her waistband before grabbing her bow and arrow and walking out of the house.

"Blimey— it's about fucking time," the blonde hissed as they walked down the stairs.

She scoffed. "Oh, shut up— you were only waiting for literally thirty bloody seconds," she argued, brows knitted.

He ignored her comment. "Is anyone else coming with us?" he asked as they walked down to the cars.

They approached the cars. "Do you want people to come with us?" she asked and arched a brow at him.

The Slytherin shook his head. "Fuck, no," he muttered, both of them getting in the car.

They both took off after the gates opened for them and to the forest. Even though the forest was next to the town, they drove down the forest just to prevent leading any walkers to the town.

Draco drove, one hand on the wheel as the other rested on Kaylina's thigh. The brunette was examining her bow and arrow, she only ever used it that one time in the sunflower field, but since they were hunting, using a bow and arrow was more discreet and quiet.

They got to the forest and the blonde boy parked the car on the side before the both of them began their hunt.

"I don't see why we even have to hunt— the forest is fucking disgusting," Draco complained, stepping over a broken tree that fell.

"It's called Survival 101," Kaylina joked, laughing as she held her bow in her hand, "I think the forest is pretty... in other circumstances."

They chatted quietly as they walked, looking for any animals to hunt.

"Draco, did you bring the bag?" the brunette asked, her eyes fixed on her feet as she walked.

No response.

Stopping in her tracks, she looked up and around, but no sight of the blonde boy. "Draco?" she tried again, her heartbeat slowly increasing.


"Draco, stop it. It's not funny," she spoke seriously, but worry and fear lingered in her note.


"Draco," she called out, panic blooming through her as she backtracked her steps, her eyes frantically searching for the beautiful boy.

It was the grasp of two cold hands on her waist from behind that made her scream and spin as she whipped the knife out, aiming it at whoever it was.

𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝗺𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 [𝐝.𝗺]Where stories live. Discover now