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"Hey, are you okay?" André says catching up to her.
"I'm okay, sorry for just leaving you, but I had to get out of there."
"I understand, can I ask what happened?"
"I don't really feel like talking about it again."
"That's fine," he grabs her hand and squeezes it, she gives him her best smile.

George can almost feel his heart break a little, seeing her happily holding his hand.
"You'll get her back one day mate, I'm sure of it," Alex says, seeing his face drop.


"Summer can we talk?" A voice says from behind their hotel door, Luke.
"Do you mind?" She says to André.
"I'll go do my own exploring," he smiles.
He lets Luke in as he leaves.
"I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't mean to say that. I don't know what happened, because I didn't even think it. And I don't know what I can do to make it better. I'm so so sorry," Summer wraps her arms around him, he was close to crying. And although he fucked up, he's still her brother and she hates to see him upset. She can tell he really does mean his apology.
He hugs her tight.
"I'm so sorry," he says again.
"I can't stay mad at you anyway," she sighs, her chin rests on his shoulder.
"I'll never do that again I promise."
"I would hope not," she chuckles.
"I love you," he rubs her back.
"I love you too."
"Do you want to do something, just the two of us?"
"I don't know, I can't really leave him alone the whole night can I?"
"I'm sure he won't mind. We deserve some quality time."
"What do you want to do?"
"Just get some dinner, properly catch up."
"That sounds nice," she smiles.
She calls André and asks if it's fine with him, him being a good guy says it's fine.
They don't go anywhere special, they simply eat at the hotel restaurant.

"Did mom tell you about the new puppy they got?"
"No? When did that happen?"
"About a month go. I can't believe they didn't tell you!"
"Do you have a picture?"
"Yes!" She takes her phone out to show him "isn't he the cutest thing you ever seen?"
"Aww that's adorable," he smiles.
"He is."
They order some food.
"How's mom doing?"
"She's been pretty good lately, but with the anniversary coming she's going downhill again," she sighs.
"You should come visit some time. It'll do them good."
"Do you really think they want me there?"
"What? Of course they want you there. Why wouldn't they?"
"Because I haven't been keeping contact that much, and I haven't visited once since the funeral."
"Trust me, they want you there. They love you and they miss you," she squeezes his hand.


The pair really use the time to catch up. They make jokes and laugh like they were never even apart. Both of them needed this after the rough day.
"I missed this," she smiles.
"Yeah me too."
Across the room she spots George.
"Fuck," she whispers.
"What?" He turns round quickly to see what she saw. "Oh."
"Now you've caught his attention dumbass!"
"It's just George, Summer."
"There's no such thing as just George, Lukas," she whispers.
Then not long after George is standing in front of their table, smiling.
"Hey George," she says.


Daniel and Luke had a dinner planned with the team, but Summer and Mark felt they weren't really part of the team and decided to have dinner on their own.
"Hey Summer your boyfriend is here," Mark says.
"What?" She turns around way too quickly.
He laughs at her reaction, and continues laughing when she turns around with an angry look on her face.
"Really?" She says annoyed.
"Who were you looking for?" He jokes.
"Shut up."
He looks behind her again wanting to mess with her more, but then he sees him actually there. His hand covers his mouth.
"Uhm you won't believe this, but he's actually here."
"The joke wasn't even funny once."
"No really, he's here," George spots Mark, he smiles noticing Summer too. George gives a friendly wave.
"Should we go over there?" He asks Alex.
"If you want to," and then Mark waves them over "okay now it would be rude not to."
Summer turns around when he waves, and then sees George. She turns back with a panicked look.
"What do I do?"
"Talk to him."
"Hey guys!" Alex says when they reach the table.
"Hey," she smiles.
"How are you?" George asks.
"Good and you?"
"Really good."

"I'm sorry Daniel interrupted our conversation earlier."
"Well we can continue that now, can't we?" George smiles.
"You guys are welcome to join us," Mark smiles. George looks to Alex who nods with a smile. The pair then sits down, George sitting down in front of Summer.
"You know you still haven't answered my question from this morning," George jokes.
"Didn't I say that I don't share my secrets with strangers."
They look into each others eyes for a bit longer than necessary. She looks away, her eyes landing on Daniel and his team. Daniel is making kissy faces at her, she stares back seriously and  flips him off. Daniel doesn't stop though and even her brother starts making hand hearts.
"I hate them," she groans.
"You should've known they'd do that," Mark laughs.
"I'm not the one who invited them. No offense to you guys," she says to Alex and George.
When they don't stop, she stands up.
"Excuse me, while I go to the toilet."
On the way to the bathroom she passes the team. With Daniel's back to her she gives him a smack across the back off his head as she walks past. She then actually goes to the bathroom. On the way back the smacks her brother's head.
"You guys are so childish you know that?" She says and walks away.
"You love us!" Daniel says loudly, she in turn flips him off again. She then sits down again, George stares at her in awe.
"You seem close with Daniel, I haven't seen a trainers sibling like that with a driver," George notes.
She looks at Mark and they laugh.
"I mean yes we're close with Dan, he's our cousin!"
"Oh! That explains a lot." Alex laughs.
"Really they're triplets, it's horrible," she rolls her eyes.
"Hey, we aren't that bad!"
"You're okay, but those two," she points at them.
"I'll know to look out for him too then," George says.
"Oh?" Mark asks "What are your intentions with my sister?" He puts on a mocking voice.
"I don't know yet," George says looking at Summer with a small smile.
"Awww George likes you," Mark teases. George's cheeks turn pink.
"He doesn't even know me yet, shut up."
"We can change that," George says.
"I would like that," she smiles shyly.
"That's disgustingly cute," Alex says.

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