
35 1 1

- Shae -

As I walked through the school people was staring , whispering amongst each other. A few even pointed at me . I really don't want to be here but 2 days here wouldn't hurt . I walked to my locker and began opening it as I swung it open I grabbed my books for first period. I let out a sigh and placed my head against the locker. Please give me strength lord.

I pushed off the locker and closed the door and jumped meanwhile dropping all my books because Titi and Tiff scared the living shit out of me standing there.

Shae- really you guys could have announced yourselves!
Tiff- sorry love how are you feeling? Im surprised you came to school.
Shae- in all honesty i feel like shit and im really pissed off that you guys told the police who did it i wanted amongst us and only us I thought I could trust you guys !
Titi- hold on we've been riding for you for so long hell since diapers you really think we'd go against your will ? No a nurse was outside the door when you spoke she snitched not us. But nice to know you trust us , next time your ass can at least ask us before trying to chin check someone.

I watched as Titi walked off . She was right i swear everybody is switching up on me and it's taking a huge toll on me. I looked at Tiff and she engulfed me into a hug. I started letting single tears fall from my eyes.

Tiff- dont worry Shae shes just hurt that you said what you said she's gonna talk to you, we both love you lets just get this day over ok ?
Shae- ok.. I love yall to im sorry for assuming but im gonna beat the nurses ass for being nosey.
Tiff- don't worry bae we know and tag team or nah bol no fighting shae
Shae- psh whatever lol lets get to class.

As we walked to the second floor the warning bell had rung causing people to run to classes , i dont care about these bells hell they can't do shit im leaving in 2 days . We walked into Mr.Greys class and he looked at us up and down and returned to the board his ol burnt chocolate oompa loopa looking as always looking at somebody sideways. We walked to our table and Titi looked at me and rolled her eyes and pushed the table a little.

Titi- can you sit in the middle Tiff.
Tiff- fuck is up your ass ? You know good and god damn well she didn't mean it so stop acting like a dumb hoe im bout sick of you fr.
Titi- fuck you and her honestly I ain't kissing her ass because she got raped , hell you should be glad its by a nigga you liked , you running around here with this ol law and order svu as story goodbye probably threw the pussy at and couldn't handle it so you cried rape.

The whole class turned to us and stared , I couldn't believe one of my best friends said this shit to me , I don't know what came over me but I jumped on her and started beating her head in, she grabbed my hair and tried pulling me down with her but my adrenaline wasn't letting me go easy on her I scratched her across her face and she screamed and let me go i stood up and watched the blood drip down her face and the missing skin hang down. Got up and screamed at me while a boy from our class held her back , she reached on the table and threw a text book at me but it hit Tiff , she swung around and grabbed Titi and threw her down sending blows to her face I pulled Tiff back and ran to Titi and stomped her face not to where it'd kill her but lets just say she's gonna have my shoe print for a month or so .

Shae- you know id taking so much shit from you and im actually glad i beat your ass you're a no good for nothing as bitch and I hope you have nothing but hell brought into your life .
Tiff- Ashanti go ahead tell her why you so mad sweety.. See shae aug is her cousin that her nasty ass fucked she ain't shit and will never be shit her and Grace are the same kind of bitches you got me Shae fuck that hoe and Titi let me catch you on the streets , its over foe yo ass .

As Tiff told me about Ashanti , i shook my head my used to be day one aint loyal , the principal and security guards came running in with they late asses and grabbed Tiff and I and escorted us out the class we heard the class laughing and shit as we flipped Ashanti off , she was walking behind us with the principal holding her face and snitching. Dumb bitch.

Since the principal took the hoe side I got suspended for the rest of my time here and Tiff Got a day because i took full blame he gave Ashanti ass afternoon detention for 3 weeks . As we left the office we waited out front for our rides.

Tiff- you good shae ?
Shae- I stay good * shrugs shoulders *

As we high fived each other our rides pulled up , I expected my mom but nooooo .. It was Travis big head ass , Tiff looked at me questionably , I hugged her and told her I would text her later about it.

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