Chapter 4

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"You have to, take a deep breath. and allow the music to flow through you. Revel in it, allow yourself to awe. When you play allow the music to break your heart with its beauty." 

– Kelly White

Asher POV

It's been a minute, and the sandwich is long gone since I practically inhaled its juicy goodness, we are still stuck in the elevator and it shows no signs of the power coming back on anytime soon, I'm still sat next to Hailey and we're still stuck in here together.

Despite this shit happening, I'm not hating it completely, my headache and hangover is long gone and I'm actually enjoying myself considering there's not much happening or being said.

My managers and bandmates must be losing their shit by now, this has never happened before where I've gone AWOL, no doubt they have a search party out looking for me and causing chaos within the hotel, yeah, they're definitely going to make this a big deal, I just hope Chris saw me get in here, he was right behind me in the line.

So for my sake I hope that fucker saw me get in here because I really don't want to have to listen to my manager Lucy hurl shit at me and go all momager on me, she means well but the woman is driving me fucking crazy, the lady takes her job way too seriously, but because she's so crazy and takes her job seriously, this tour has been a breeze.

I hear Hailey sigh beside me, I'm still sat next to her, close enough to feel her leg against mine but not close enough that screams 'danger', I might be a man but I'm not some fucking creep.

The silence is killing me, I don't even know how long we've been in here, there must be something to do to pass the time.

I clear my throat and nudge Hailey with my knee, gaining her attention. "So." I pause. "Business or pleasure?" 


"Portland, are you here on business or pleasure." I ask again, more straight to the point.

It's been a minute and she hasn't said anything but then I feel her shift beside me. "Neither, it was.. sort of an impulsive vacation." She says slowly.

"Ah, so you're running from something?" I laugh out.

She groans out. "Is it that obvious?"

"Nah." I pause. "What's got you running all the way to Portland?"

She sighs out heavily. "It's.. kind of depressing really, and I don't really want to spill my guts to a famous guy."

I laugh. "Aw c'mon, it can't be that bad."

She snorts. "Yeah.. it is, well.. to me." She pauses, then sighs. "My ex cheated on me with my best friend."

Well shit, I wasn't expecting her to say that, what kind of fucking idiot would cheat on this girl? She's a natural beauty, she's funny and sweet, he must be a fucking tool to do something like this, and with her best friend? 

Now I kind of feel like an asshole. "Damn." I cringe out, not knowing what else to say to this girl.

She laughs beside me and the sound sends shivers down my spine. "Yeah, that's one of many words I would use to describe my situation."

"So when did this all happen?" 

"Valentine's day." She says and I grimace.

So, two weeks ago? Shit, no wonder she is in fucking Portland of all places and on the run. I would never play with her like that, she deserves more than a guy who looks at other women, if my mum taught me anything in life it was that you treat a woman with fucking respect and dignity.

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