Chapter 17

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"When people hear good music, they will react to it."

– Wiz Khalifa

Hailey POV

"Here you go sir." I say placing the order in front of the man who smiles up at me.

My last customer of the day, thank god, any more 'almost' dropping plates and glasses on people and I don't think I could take it anymore.

I'm so nervous.

Asher is moving to be closer to me, it's almost surreal, this superstar is turning his life upside down for me, someone who he hasn't even known for two months

Not to mention now we are going out, and no one knows, apart from Ivan and Asher's mom, who I have yet to meet, but Asher has told me that eventually, I will meet her, knowing his mom she would fight 'tooth and nail' to meet me, as Asher puts it.

My legs are like jelly when I walk into the kitchen, I am beyond nervous, yes we are dating but being around Asher Reed has my insides a bundle of mess, and I'm so nervous to pick him up too.

He asked for me to pick him up rather than wait to see me tomorrow when he is settled in, which I don't hate, It's no secret to him that I am utterly crazy about him, I've missed him every day since our mini-vacation away together was cut short.

"Hey kid, off to get.." Ivan looks around. "Your boyfriend?" He says in a hushed tone, moving forward to me.

I laugh and nod my head, I doubt anyone could hear us, it's always crazy in the kitchen. "Yeah, he lands in thirty." I blow out a breath. "Do I look okay?" I ask nervously.

Ivan looks at me and huffs. "Beauty is on the inside Hailey, but yes you look beautiful." He smiles. "He would be a fool to think otherwise." 

I go over and hug him. "Thank you, I'll text you later okay?" 

He hugs me back and pats me on the back. "Drive safe, bring him to me soon yeah?" He pokes me.

I snort with a laugh. "Be nice Ivan." 

He holds his hands up in surrender. "I'm nice, the nicest, now go before you hit traffic."

I shake my head and head out of the kitchen, grabbing my bag with my keys and phone in hand.

Here we go, I'm going to go get my superstar.


I'm waiting for Asher in the waiting area and I'm totally not sweating, nope, not nervous at all.

His plane landed five minutes ago and he should be here any minute, knowing that he flew in his private plane, I have no idea what the wait time for that is, only flew in his plane once, it was fairly quick but this is a big airport.

I glance around nervously. "Lots of people." I mutter to myself when I see people rushing from one direction to the other, my hands are starting to sweat just looking at how people are around me and in the airport.

Crap, will people recognize him? Maybe this isn't such a good idea, after all, meeting in such a very public place.

I raise my head and I spot him instantly in a crowd of people, but I recognize his baseball cap a mile away, it's his favorite football club from England. 

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