Chapter 3

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Hey guys, its FallenOfFiore. I apologize if my chapters are a little short. I have school and guitar practice to deal with, which leaves me with little time to write. I might get anywhere from 1-5 chapters a week. Once the weekend hits I'll catch up and.....yeah. I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Buh-bye (BTW POV means point of view)

   ***Ace's POV***

     I heard her mom drive up and panicked. Felicity told me to go out the window and I hesitently followed her instructions. I landed in a bush and a branch stabbed me in the back, I bit back a scream and waited for her to jump so I could catch her. I saw her poke her head out of the window and I remembered her fear of heights. She sat in her window and stared at the ground. I saw the fear in her eyes as she jumped. I stepped forward and caught her, a muscle twitched in my arm, sending jolts of pain to my brain but I ignored it so I wouldn't drop her. She glanced up to the window and told me to hide. I ran around the side of her house and looked at her. She was...beautiful. No, I need to stop thinking like this. She's...she's my best friend. Yeah, just a friend.

I snapped back to reality with Felicity's insecure "W-what?" Oh god, she caught me staring. I quickly said nothing as I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. She started slipping so I shifted and started walking. " Ace aren't you going to put me down first?", Felicity asked. I chose to ignored her and started rocking her in my arms. She looked at me funny and drifted off to sleep.

     I got to my house and quietly took her to my room and set her on my bed. She looked so peaceful and...and...cute. Ugh, I shook my head to clear that thought from it, I mean she's my friend. Well, never mind that, I'll just listen to some Blood on the Dance Floor. I threw my headphones on and played Bewitched. I glanced at her again and felt something funny in my chest. She looked so, so cute I just wanted to kiss her and hold her tight and never let go. No, she's my friend she's just a friend. You can't be thinking like that Ace, what would she say if she found out.

     I looked at her one last time and I got an idea. I wicked, terrible, awful idea. I ran to my mom's bathroom and came back with a special surprise for Felicity....

     ***Felicity's POV***

     I woke up to a burning pain in my lungs. I started furiously coughing and breathed in. Urgh, bad choice, breathing in sent another jolt of pain into her lungs. I couldn't open my eyes because it hurt too bad. What happened? Where am I? Oh, right I'm at Ace's house. Don't tell me he....

     I ran to his bathroom blindly and splashed my face with water. My suspicions were correct, I had baby powder all over me. That little.....he antiqued me. I walked out of the bathroom and shouted "ACE HEARTHEN YOU LITTLE COME HERE NOW!!!" I quickly hid behind his door and waited for him to get into his room. He cautiously walked into his room and I jumped onto him, knocking him to the ground with me on top of him.

     I stopped laughing when I looked into his eyes. I, I saw something there but I couldn't quite grasp what it was. I glanced down at his lips, his full, plump lips. I slowly leaned down till mine were less than an inch away from his. I leaned in for the kiss but before our lips touched his mom yelled that dinner was ready up the stairs. I quickly scrambled away from him and blushed cherry red, I peeked at him from under my bangs and saw he was blushing as well. I rushed downstairs with him on my tail. As I sat down at the table his mother obsereved our appearances and frowned. "What were you two doing up there, I heard quite a commotion", she frowned larger. "We were wrestling", I quickly answered and she returned to her normal happy self. "Oh ok, I can trust you kids." "Felicity you won't mind sleeping in Ace's room tonight do you?", she cheerily asked. "Um, not at all, Ms, Hearthen"I answered. "Oh sweety you know by now that you can call me Sabina", she said. After dinner was over Ace and I headed back upstairs to get ready for bed.

     I went into the bathroom and changed into Markiplier warfstache shorts and one of Ace's Blood on the Dance Floor shirts, which was huge on me. I glanced down into my bag looking for my toothbrush when I saw something catch the light. I pulled out a silk pouch and dumped the contents onto the counter with metal clanging against porcelain. Blades, Razor blades. I quickly looked away and stuffed all but one of them into the pouch. I stared down at the blade, trying not to listen to the voice in my head. Do it, one cut won't hurt. You know you want to. "NO!", I practically screamed and then glanced around hoping Ace hadn't heard me. I heard a knock at the door followed by Ace's deep voice asking if I was okay in there. I quickly shoved the blade in the pouch and threw it into my bag. "Uh, yeah I'm fine", I responded as I opened the door and brushed past him. He grabbed my arm as I tried to walk past him and pulled me against him in a hug. I pushed him away and jumped onto his back for a piggy back ride. Once I was comfortable I yelled "Mush, fat unicorn!" and he started running to his room. When we got to his room he dumped me on the bed and sat on me. " Oh god, Ace...can't....breathe.... He laughed and rolled off of me till I pushed him onto the floor. "My bed now sucker!" I laughed as I stuck my tongue out at him.

     "Wanna watch a movie before we go to bed?" Ace asked me while I was checking my phone "Uh sure what movie?"

"I was thinking maybe slasher or--"

"No, no scary movies!", I cut him off.

"Ok Step Up it is"

He started up the movie and crawled onto the bed next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulders, an old habit from when we first met. Ace fell asleep before me and I soon drifted off to sleep with my head on his chest...

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