Love my angel missing death

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This story is not based on fiction or fantasy, but a story of true and beautiful love. A love that was full of life and color, that was never dull or quiet. A love that was truly one of a kind. We had a beautiful beginning and a wonderful middle sadly however we never got our happily ever after...

Aiden and I first met in our Freshmen year of High school in our English class, lets say it wasn't exactly love at first sight. In fact we practically hated one another, we were constantly at each others throats and we were both too stubborn and hot headed to get past this strange wall of anger that had been built between us. Towards the middle of Freshmen year we had finally reached talking terms, and by the end of it we were hanging out everyday at lunch and almost every other day outside of school, but Sundays were the one day we were always together because we both attended the same church. We were constantly questioned if we were dating and all that he and I could do was laugh. We were best friends and the thought of people seeing us as more than that seemed simply ridiculous.

Time went on and as Freshmen year ended and the summer began Aiden and I began to spend more and more time together and became practically inseparable. We each had our summer flings with other people but nothing serious, at the end of the day though there he and I were sitting on my patio with a drink in our hands and simply laughing and just talking about the people we met, the things we've done, and places we've been seen over the summer. Before we knew it Sophomore year had finally began. We were finally getting out of that awkward stage of high school and moving up the food chain. Able to drive and at the age where we could finally get a part time job, well at least Aiden could considering that his birthday was a day before school started and mine wasn't until September.

On the first day of school Aiden picked me up in his shiny silver cobalt, not his car of choice but still a car. When arriving at school every one thought that we had finally started dating, much to their dismay we told them we weren't. Time seemed to have flown by it was September and my birthday was less than 3 days away, I could practically taste the slight freedom I would soon receive. On Friday the day before my birthday halls were bustling and excited, ready for the nights football game against our biggest rivals. I had intended on going with Aiden, that was until I found a note in my locker inscribed to me. Opening it, it read "Wear something nice tonight, I have a surprise for you. I'll pick you up at 7. -Aiden"
I was confused, what was Aiden up to? Rushing home I got ready and began to turn my clean room into a unbelievable mess with mountains of clothing. DING DONG. Aiden had arrived right when I slipped on a yellow sundress. I ran down stairs to greet him, he actually surprised me with how good he cleaned up. We walked to his car and we headed off to the city, to my surprise he took me to a nice Italian restaurant and after we had finished we headed to the beach right when the sun was setting. We walked by the water and just talked, as the sun finally set fireworks had suddenly began. It was beautiful and absolutely perfect, I couldn't believe that Aiden came up with this, he was more romantic than I thought. As the light show ended we walked back towards his car when he suddenly stopped us for a moment. "Autumn.." He said looking at me. I could see in his eyes that there was something wrong. "What is it?" I asked unsure.

"There is something I need to tell you that I've wanted to say to you for a long time now... and it's been killing me. So.. here it goes." I stood there for a second and began to chuckle. "I can't believe I'm doing this." .."Aiden what is it?" I felt my heart begin to skip. "Autumn... I love you. I have for a long time... I just never got the chance or rather I was way to scared to tell you. I don't want this to change us, and I'm not looking for you to say it too. I just I can't keep going without telling you this, cause it'll make me sick." He finished and simply looked at me. I didn't know what to do or what to say. "Aiden..." I was in shock. "Like I said Autumn I'm not looking for you to say it back, I just want you to know." He flashed me a smile and slowly turned around.

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