Can i ever love again?

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After I cried my eyes out, my friend,Paris, texted me and said ," I'm sorry to tell you this but Nick is cheating on you". Paris was the first one to tell me about it, I told him I knew all about it, he sent me a pic of one of Nick's post. It was a picture of karah and of course again the caption was "bæ ❤️". I was still heart broken! Nick was my crush since the 2nd week of school! : Nick, if you are reading this, I want you to know, I know you may not still have feelings for me...but I do! I still love you! When you asked me out you would not believe the joy that you gave me! From that day forward you were my reason to live! Now, EVERYTIME I see breaks my heart that you are not mine...that you will never want to be mine again! It hurts to remember all the memories that we had together...yeah they may have been short ones but I still cherish them! I will always and still love you! ~sandra
After chaos happened with my heart, I told my sister and of course she supported me on all of it. She had been through the same thing as me! It's one of the best perks on having a sister...the only sister.... Atleast she is still with me and not's hard not having someone to talk too. My dad, no , my mom ,she goes and tells my dad anyways! My older brother , always shut up in his little brother..he is only 6...he wouldn't, I can barely get through a sad part in a movie like lion king or whatever! My older sister...I need her! I can't bottle up my feelings or else I would explode with anger...and fear of what the world has to throw at me! The harsh times ...God made everyone different...he made me breakable, sensitive, and He also gave me a HUGE heart to love people is also a blessing..but also a curse.. To me...and my heart...

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