10-Lightning & Thunder

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|Valentina POV|

"What who is it" I asked hoping it wasn't Benito

"It's Bernie" she said

"Oh my gosh I thought it was-

"Is that Valentina" another voice cut me off

"Oh look it's Bysael" she said making me turn around

"I wonder where their brother is at" I said

"I'm not sure" she said

"I don't know if I should go up to them tho" I said

"Yea come on let's go" she said

"Alright I guess" I sighed

I got up and headed towards them

"hey Valentina" Bernie greeted me

"Hey Bernie" I greeted him

"Long time no see" bysael said going in for a hug

"Yea it's been so long" I hugged him and let go after a while

"So where's your other brother"Alai said getting straight to the point

"Alai!" I said

"What I want to know" she said

"It's okay" Bernie laughed

"He's at the store he'll be back in a bit" He responded as I nodded

"What a coincidence you would be at the same beach" Bysael said

"yea I know" I led out an awkward laugh

"Imma head over with Lucia" I  said as they nodded

"Hey bae" I said to Lucia

"Hey girl" she said

"I thought you were going to stay with Alai" she questioned

"I was but I got inspired to write a song" I said sitting down

"oh okay" she said

"Hold on is that Bysa and Bernie" she questioned

"Yea that's them" I told her

"Wow I'm going to go greet them" she said as I nodded and she walked away

I loved the ocean it gave me a muse and whenever I want to make new songs I sometimes come here because it helps me relax and think better

I started humming a beat and then started singing things that came to mind

"Been up since six doing rituals"

"Burning incense just to wish you well"

"Throw all my sins into wishing wells"

"Smelling your scent, I do miss you still"

"What kind of spell do you have me under?"

"What in the hell, starting to wonder"

"I am not well, I'm going under
Can't help myself, lightning and thunder"

"El mar es hermoso verdad" I heard a voice interrupt me

I looked and saw Bernies tall figure standing behind me

"Yea it really is" I replied

"Can I sit here" he asked

"Sure" I said

"You working on a new song" he asked

"Yea" I answered

"What's it called if you don't mind me asking" he said

"I'm thinking about calling it lightning and thunder" I said

"I like that name" he said

"thank you" I said

"I'll leave you to it, also I wanted to invite you to this party we're throwing tomorrow" he said

"Where" I asked

"At my brothers house" he said

"Bysaels" I questioned

"No benito" he said

"Oh then no" I said

"Come on Vale we haven't seen you in a long time this a good way to reconnect" he said

"We can reconnect here" I said

"Yea but I want you to come tomorrow" he said

"Fine" I gave in

"Let me give you my number" I said

"Okay I'll text you the address" he said after I was done giving him my number as I nodded and he walked off

I got up and walked over to them, I'll just finish the song later

"I'm getting tired" I told Lucia and Alai

"You want to leave then" Alai asked as I nodded

"Alright let's go" Lucia said

we started gathering all of our stuff after we were done we said our goodbyes to the boys

"Bye I'll see y'all tomorrow" I told Bernie and bysael

"You will"Alai asked confused

"Yea Bernie invited us to a party" I said

"Oh okay" she said

"Okay bye guys" Lucia said as we walked off to the car

|Benito POV|

me parqué en la playa y camine a donde estaban mis hermanos y vi a algunas chicas alejarse

"Ya llegue y traje las cosas" les dije y las puse sobre la mesa

"Deberías haber llegado antes", dijo Bysael.

"¿Por qué, qué pasó?", Pregunté mientras abría los hot dogs.

"Valentina estuvo aquí" dijo haciéndome parar lo que estaba haciendo y mirarlo

"De verdad" le pregunté

"Si" dijo

"Maldito Tapón" dije enojándome porque esa era mi oportunidad de arreglar todo con ella

"cálmate, la invité a la fiesta mañana", dijo Bernie.

"De verdad, gracias hermano" dije

"Sé lo impoltante que es para ti hablar con ella", dijo

"Tengo hambre, cocinemos estos hot dogs", dijo Bysael haciéndonos reír

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