Family time....

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I felt Jumin squeeze my hand for a second as I knocked on the door. After a few seconds of waiting we could hear a yell from inside the house. "H-hang on! I'll be there in a second!" Mother opened the nice wooden door and smiled. "Hey! Sweetie, how are you?" She grabbed my free hand and dragged us inside.

"I'm a great mom." I smiled back at her.

"And who's this?" She looked at Jumin then smirked at me.

"Gah- Uhm. This is-" I fumbled my words as Jumin walked towards her letting go of my hand and shaking hers.

"I'm Jumin Han, your daughter's boyfriend." His voice wasn't any different than normal and he didn't stutter at all. I felt my face grow red without even seeing it. I covered my face as I tried to hide it. Mom walked towards me and grabbed my hands from my face. "Oh really now~?" She winked at me and walked back over to Jumin.

"How did my daughter end up with such a handsome boyfriend?" She sighed a bit. "Alright let's not just stand here. Follow me to the dining room please."

Jumin offered me his hand smirking at me as I only rolled my eyes. "Why did we decide on this again?" I whispered to him.

"I just thought it would be funny." He whispered back as he leaned towards my ear to say it. As he leaned back to follow mother I could see him eyeing my from the side of his eye just smirking at me. I just wanted to run away.

As an excuse, I ran towards my mom. "Hey, where's dad?"

She sighed and looked down a hallway. "He's in his room. Said he didn't want to see you. Well, that wasn't his exact words but it's the mellowed-down version of what he said..." she avoided eye contact as I only stared at her eyes.

I sighed and looked back at Jumin and grabbed his hand leading him to a seat. He sat there for a second then stood up again. I assumed he got bored...

I was talking to mom in the kitchen as she was finishing up with the meal. "You might want to tell Jumin that dinners almost ready."Mom smiled.

"Yeah, yeah I'll go.." but as I was about to turn around I felt a head on top of my head and arms wrap around my waist. I turned quickly and noticed Jumin smiling at me. "Wh-what are you doing!"

"Just resting on my girlfriend." He said so calmly. I covered my face with my hands as he just rested his head on mine. Mom just smiled.

"Dinner will be done in a minute just have to finish a few things. You two can go sit in the living room if you want?"

I quickly nodded my head and squeezed out of his hug and dragged him to the living room. "What the heck? What was that for?" I looked at Jumin confused.

We were in the middle of the living room. You couldn't see the kitchen from the living room. He walked closer to me as I stepped back. He only kept walking closer until I walked into a wall. He grabbed my chin and moved it side to side as I avoided eye contact with him. He pulled my chin close to his face barely any room in between. He laughed a bit then leaned down to my ear. "Is this proof enough I'm not gay?" He leaned back as I looked at him confused still.

Out of nowhere, I started dying of laughter. "Jumin! Pfttt! You idiot! I know your not gay!" I kept laughing. "Yoosung just thought it was weird that I invited you to my parents' house so I did that so he wouldn't think what I know he was!" I just kept laughing still pretty close to Jumin's face.

He stepped back and patted my head. "Glad you think it's funny." He smiled a bit.

"Very funny." I laughed again.

We sat on the couch chitchatting for a bit until Mom came inside the living room. "Hey! Lovebirds, time for food!" We stood up and walked to the dining room and sat at the table. Just as I had gotten food on my plate I heard a door slam.

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