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An: Hey sorry I haven't been updating. I had a bad case of writers block. I know so here is the story.

Mysterious Voice POV: As I am running down the train as I yell at people to move I hear Hermione groaning in pain. " Hermione it will be okay. Madam Pomfrey is going to take a look at you.

Hermiones POV: As I groan in pain I start to open my eyes. My vision still must be blurry becasue I see blond hair and grey eyes looking into mine. ," Hermione your okay! Thank goodness."

"Is that really you Malfoy?"

"Yes, not Potter or Weasel. Its just me Draco."

I started to try getting up from his arms but he held me tighter and shook his head. Then finally we have reached Madam Pomfrey's compartment. Madam Promfrey shoots up from her seat and askes,"What happen Mr. Malfoy"

"Well it all went down pretty quickly..." Then all of a sudden everything went black.

I all saw was the lights flickering on and off. I thought to myself I know whats coming. "WHY ARE THEY HERE!" I screamed.

The voice I heard in reply was Malfoy who said,"Its becasue they don't want any Voldermolts follows to attack the Golden Trio."

"You would think they would be smart enogh to change their identiys and run away."

"Trust me death eaters are some of the most stupid people I know."

"But weren't you one?"

"No I was forced to be one like my mother."

Then all there was an akward silience. BOOM!

AN: Hey you should all thank Julliettemargarine for this update becasue she gave me this idea. So THANK YOU!! And till next time goodbye! Oh and I own none of these chacters only J.K. Rowling does!

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