Trying to forget about Emily moving!

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TUESDAY: I woke up and i realized i fell asleep in my chair and my head on the desk. My hair was all messed up and i was still in my same clothes.

I got up and i walked in to the kitchen for breakfeast. ''good morning'' mom said as i walked to the table.

''There is eggs and toast in a plate for you!'' she said. I could tell that mom felt bad for me because she never made me breakfeast before. I would always have to grab cereal and milk.

''Today we are going shopping for school clothes!'' said mom. I was so upset about yesterday that i didnt even care any more so i walked to my room to get dressed.

I picked up my blue skinny jeans, my aeropostale pink shirt,pink polkadot socks, and my brown uggs.

I put my hair in a messy bun and i walked outside to the car. I hopped on to the seat in the front of the car and i waited for my mom to come in.

Of course she was bringing Booger along with us. She told Booger to get in the car and then we drove off to the mall.

''Owww Booger hit me mom!!'' mom told me to just calm down. We pulled into the parking lot and we drove around to find a parking space.

It was a tight fit but the car made it in. When the car stopped i opened my door and hopped out of the car.

Me and Booger were waiting for our mom to get off her phone. She stopped texting and she put her phone in her pocket and she got out of the car.

We walked into the mall and into my favorite store. my mom saw so many signs that said "on clearance"

. Well thats a good sign for my mom. We walked into the little boys side and mom looked for clothes for Booger.

''Ooooh mommy i want this red shirt with the truck on it!" said booger. "fine" mom said. while Booger and mom were looking for clothes mom gave me permission to go to the teens isle and look for my own clothes.

So i walked to the girls racks and i saw a cute pair of skinny jeans. The jeans were black with pink flowers on them.

I took the jeans off the rack and when i turned around the "so called populars" walked towards me. "Oooh looks like u found the perfect jeans for me" said Spencer.

She grabbed the jeans from me and she said "i wonder if these will fit me" and she then walked away and laughed at me.

"What a fool" said spencer. They strutted down the isle. I found a cuter pair of skinny jeans. I didnt even care so i grabbed them and a couple of T shirts.

I walked down the isle with two pairs of shirts, three pairs of skinny jeans, and one skirt. I handed them to mom and she said i did a good job at picking out outfits.

Booger and mom picked out a couple of shirts and pants. We walked to the register and we handed the clothes to the man.

The man was tall and his name was Billy so we then payed and left. We walked out side and i got in the carand we pulled the car out of the parking spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2013 ⏰

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