Family First

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( Three days have passed since Gary returned home from the hospital. After being forced to stay an extra night by a very worried Mark Owen, he couldn't of got out of there any faster once given the all clear. With minor headaches, small pains in the body from time to time and of course his broken arm, Gary couldn't be happier to be back at home.)

Gary's POV

Nudging the side of my face against the pillow which comforts my slightly dizzy head, and fills my nostrils with Mark's typical smell of over used fabric softener, there's a sound which causes me to stir in my sleep. Minutes later and the on going noise continues, snapping open my eyelids, immediately my eyes scan around the bedroom. Turning to my left hand side, the space beside me is empty and Nathan remains sound asleep in his cot. Rubbing my eyes with my free hand, removing the sleep, with a grunt I stretch out my knotted back. Those hospital beds are terrible to sleep on, I would rather sleep on a brick wall, at least I would find more comfort. A soft voice travels through the wall opposite me, catching my ear's attention instantly. Freezing to the spot, lightly I smile as I feel my heart begin to flutter. I haven't heard that sound in a while. Kicking back the duvet, as quiet as I possibly can, I tip toe along the bedroom floorboards. Tugging on my dressing gown, I head down the hall following the sweet sound which soothes the niggling pain in my foggy head. Leaning against the wall, I peer through the ajar door of the music studio, noticing the figure I was expecting to see beside me in bed, instead he happily sits in front of the Steinway, lost in his own world.

"I'll be the one who stands beside you in the photograph, I'll be the one that's in your water when you want me there. I'll be the one you're falling over every time you laugh, and you say shut up, shut up, every time I say [...] ... Tonight, we throw ourselves away, and we make it every time. When I thought I was ok, you said I was alright. As the night comes crashing down, we catch ourselves a line. Yeah we're only makin' out, If we... make it out... alright"

Unable to hold back a smile, I exhale a light sigh. Watching Mark's posture change, his perfectly straight spine changes into a curved angle, as his chin rests against his fist. Not wanting to be left in the dark for too long, I make a move. Clearing my throat, abruptly Mark's head cracks over his shoulder and into my direction.

"Gary!" Stretching his eyes, he flees from the piano. "...I...I was" He stumbles over himself. "You haven't been in here for an awful long time..." Ignoring his excuses, a crooked smile teases my lips, whilst I walk closer towards the agitated figure. "...There's everywhere...!"

"I was in 'ere last week...actually..." Coiling my arm around his small waist, my head tilts to the right hand side and catches his lips with mine. The kiss merely lasts a few seconds and as soon as I pull away, Mark's view drops from mine as an embarrassed look now glows on his face. "...Something wrong babe?"

" not." Painting on a smile he tries the best that he can to reassure me. "Its just you... er-"

"That song..."

Lightly he nods, allowing his smile to fade. "...Sorry...for waking you."

"Don't be daft...I'm glad you did...its such a beautiful sound to wake up to...I miss it."

"You hear my voice non stop, twenty four hours a day?"

Playfully I roll my eyes. "Not hearing you speak...hearing you sing...I miss it...the last time I heard you sing was the last time I caught you in here...even Nath misses your little songs before he goes off to sleep."

"He's three months old, Gaz. He probably doesn't even know who we are yet, never mind my singing."

"No, but you have a gift. A truly beautiful would be such a shame if-"

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