part 3

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The night was a blur.

Things seemed okay and then suddenly everything wasn't, like a wave of water washed over your life for a new beginning. The night had seemed like a whole lifetime before the moon disappeared and the sun shined over the world, cascading it's rays over the life of the people but even so, your life felt so dark.

As morning settled you couldn't comprehend what had happened the night before. You were still speechless to where you refused to believe the accident ever happened, if it even was an accident. After many hours of traveling on the motorcycle, Taehyung had finally stopped at a cabin in the woods and hopped off. He grabbed your hand and helped you off the vehicle but your legs wobbled, barely able to hold yourself up. Taehyung had leaned in to you but you pushed him away with your hand, slowly wobbling yourself toward the cabin.

"If you can't walk, just say so." Taehyung said as he followed you toward the tiny cabin. He unlocked the door and lead you inside and straight toward the bedroom. "Get some rest," he said before walking away but you had grabbed the back of his shirt, stopping him from walking any further. "What's wrong?" He asked as he looked back at you.

You refused to look up at him but only tightened your grip on his shirt. You hated to admit it, but you were scared to be alone. You were afraid of being alone after what had happened and you also wouldn't admit, but you wanted to be with someone. You just wanted some comfort.

However, you slowly let go of his shirt and looked away.

"It's nothing, sorry." You had mumbled before slowly taking a few steps back and standing there, waiting for him to walk away but Taehyung stood there, watching you shift uncomfortably under his gaze.

"Go on in," he softly spoke as he gestured his hand toward the cozy bed you had been waiting to lay on. "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep."

As much as you wanted to protest— as much as you wanted to tell him you were strong, and that you could protect yourself, you knew that you were at your weakest point at this rate. You had walked toward the bed and crawled under the covers, quickly closing your eyes to escape the nightmare that had apparently been reality. You saw Taehyung sit besides you as you quickly fell asleep, hoping that good dreams would be coming your way to save you from the horror you felt.



You had awoken from your slumber from the sounds of things banging together. Maybe it had been your banging headache that awakened you but you slowly sat up and rubbed your forehead, your eyes still not adjusted to the light. It was hot but cold at the same time— you looked down to yourself and saw your skin covered in cuts and bruises. Your body ached and you groaned when you tried to stand.

"This sucks..." you mumbled as you lied back down on the bed. As weak as you were, you knew you couldn't just lay there helpless. You needed to get up— you needed to go back home.

"Hey, you awake?" You heard Taehyung's voice through the closed door as he knocked on the wood.

"Yeah, come in." You watched as he entered the room with a big white box with a red plus sign labeled on top. He walked over and sat down next to you, urging you to get up.

As you tried to push yourself up, you winced at how everything had hurt. You felt like your muscles couldn't function and that your bones were almost shattered inside of your body. Thankfully, Taehyung noticed and helped you sit comfortably against the headrest of the bed frame. "Don't move too much and you should be feeling better in a few days." He said while opening the first aid kit and grabbing out multiple bandaids along with ointments and pills. "Your body had a pretty bad impact during the explosion."

You wanted to question him but you couldn't find the strength to do so, and watched him fiddle through the materials. He gently reached out to grab your arm that was covered with multiple cuts and burns. "It might sting a bit," he warned before applying the alcohol wipe on your wound making you hiss in pain, feeling the stinging sensation on the your arm. Taehyung, however, quickly blew on your cuts to ease the pain.

Painful minutes flew by when he had finally finished the last wound on your body. "Finished!" He smiled slightly and sighed while standing and gathering all the wraps and medicines to be placed back inside of the box. You looked down at your arms and legs that were all covered in bandages.

"Thanks for that..." you mumbled. "Um... I just-"

A loud bang interrupted you and a head poked into the room. "Are you finished yet?" A young looking man asked him as he looked over to you and smiled. "I guess you are done, but don't you think you went a little too extreme?"

Taehyung gave the guy a frown. "Of course not! She's in pain and she needs to feel better soon," he fought back. "Besides, she's been through a lot."

"Hey are you done yet- ow!" Another guy had appeared and suddenly, six of them came running into the room. You had become a bit skeptical, but they had seemed like a big group of clumsy boys which somewhat relieved you. One had looked over to you and smiled, his eyes squinted while his dimples dived into his cheeks. "It's good that you're awake. How're you feeling?" He asked but you sorta wanted to shrug your aching shoulders.

Instead, you tilted your head slightly. "I'm okay for now," you replied which made all six of their faces drop into worried expressions. "I'm sorry, do I know any of you?"

"Oh, yeah. Well y/n," Taehyung spoke while gesturing to the six boys besides him. "These are my friends. We all work under the same company and well..." he scratched the back of his neck, nervous to say something. "They saved us last night."

You scrunched your eyebrows and stared at each one of the side boys— they were all extremely handsome, but that was besides the point. "They saved us?" You questioned.

Taehyung sighed and nodded slowly as if he was distressed, and it was a bit concerning since it was so different than his usual chill persona. "We were ambushed last night. We're not sure by who," Taehyung spoke. "But we know for sure that they planned this ambush for a while. They knew every single move your parents made; they were ready, and we fell into their trap."

You sighed and closed your eyes thinking of what had happened the night before. Everything had moved so slow since the incident and it felt like time was no longer moving. "Y/n," Taehyung spoke which made me open my eyes and look at him. His eyes were soft and genuine, which made me softened at how he looked like he cared. "We're so, so sorry. We wished things could've been better-"

You shook your head while looking down. "It's okay, you did the best you could..." you mumbled. You tried your best not to cry— you didn't want to cry in front of Taehyung and all of the six boys. You wanted to have a little bit of strength for yourself. Taehyung had looked over to his six friends and nodded his head toward the door and they all understood, leaving the bedroom all together. Taehyung had sat down beside you and looked at the wall, but tears were already falling out from your eyes. You looked out the window as you silently cried, wishing that things could've been different.

You wished that it was you and not your parents, you wished that you told them you loved them more often, you wished that you didn't fight with them the morning before. As much as you had wished you knew your wishes weren't going to come true. "Just let it out," you heard Taehyung say. "It's okay to be in pain. You're never alone."

His words made you cry even harder, only because throughout the whole night you felt lonely and hopeless. Something about your bodyguard made you feel less lonely and more at home, even though you felt lost within yourself. "I don't want to go home," you managed to croak out through your quiet sobs. Taehyung stared at you and smiled slightly. "And why is that, princess?" You shook your head while wiping your tears away, staining your hands with the wet tears that would forever scar your heart. "Because there is no more home."

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