Chapter 16 (Found you..)

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Rays POV

"Boo!" Norman said as he slid open the closet doors and I was looking down not trying to make eye contact and tears were still falling down from my face my hands were curled into fists "aww~ why is my little raven boy sad?~" he said while I was shaking in fear as he pulled the knife up and pointed it towards my throat "please.. Don't kill me.." I mumbled but it was loud enough for Norman to hear "I would never kill the love of my life~" when I looked up everything was blurry since there were loads of tears forming in my eyes but I could see him. His eyes were widened, wide enough to look like a psychopath, his face had blood splats and the knife pointed directly at my throat, I was shaking in fear as Norman stopped pointing the knife towards my throat, he walked closer, I flinched at that "s-stay back!" I said with a shaky voice, Norman leaned in close enough for a kiss but a few inches away "Ray~" "Y-Yes?" I answered him in a shaky voice "Do you love me truly?" He questioned "Y-Yes of course you idiot!" "Well in that case.." He paused himself and leaned closer, cupped my face and kissed me. We let go after a while "come on now stop crying.. " he said as he wiped the tears off my face, he then went out of the closet since it was squishy but big enough to fit someone my size, I went out as well trusting him. (boy you really gonna trust him after he pointed a knife at your throat? I would've jumped out the window by then-)

Normans POV

My eyes went back to normal and I headed to the bathroom to wash the blood off and get rid of every single evidence that could be on me like the blood and the knife. I walked back out and was greeted by Ray "H-Hi Norman.." Ray said with a shaky voice I went up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek to calm him down a bit, he was a blushing mess he used his hands to cover up his face but I could still tell he was blushing and flustered.

"Stupid baka" I heard him mumble "what was that Ray?" I pretend I didn't hear what he said "nothing.." I could tell he was still scared about what happened "Ray look I'm sorry for making you scared I just got a bit too jealous and went a bit insane when I saw her kiss you.." Ray looked up at me and ran up to me and gave me a big hug "I'll take that as an it's ok"

Ray was doing a class project and I happen to be his partner so we both were busy doing the project "give me back the book! I need that!" Ray yelled while I had the book in my hands raised up in the air, Ray had one of his hands on my shoulder and the other trying to reach the book "Not gonna give it back unless you kiss me~" I said with a smirk and started chuckling "no!" Ray yelled "Give it back!" "Nope" I said "ugh fine!" Ray said with an annoyed tone then kissed me on the lips "here's your book back" I said "F*ck you!" Ray replied "That's not very nice of you." I said "I don't care!" Ray yelled. We got back to our seats I had to sit on the floor since Ray was mad at me. (they are in their bedroom btw)

After we finished the project, Ray went to get a cup of coffee. (I don't fricking remember the time bc I haven't been updating on this chapter cause of personal reasons!) When he came back I gave him a small kiss on the cheek (WAGH- MY FOOT FELL ASLEEP-) Ray slightly blushed and I gave him my everyday smile.

Ray was in the living room drinking coffee while watching the news and I was in the kitchen preparing dinner for us. "Dinners ready, Ray!" "Okay! Coming!" Ray yelled back as he walked into the kitchen and to the dining area to sit down. "Tonight we're having Ramen!" I told Ray then I could see sparkles in his eyes "Ramen? I love it when you make ramen they're the best!" Ray said then gave me a small smile its not like I get to see him smile everyday its pretty rare to see Ray smile.

After we had dinner, we went back to bed as usual and Ray snuggled in to my arms and layed his head on my chest. "You're pretty light-weighted for a 16 year old" "yeah yeah whatever now shut up so I can sleep" Ray said then closed his eyes and fell asleep, I fell asleep after while.

AGH- I'M FINALLY UPDATING AGAIN HI- I'm so sorry I didn't update for like 2 or 3 days!!!! And I'm so sorry this chapter is short! I've been very busy due to personal reasons and a lot of school work! Hope you enjoyed this book so far it's gonna be ending soon! 20 chapters, I'm planning 20 chapters for this book and we are nearly there! Anyways bye guys!

Word count: 898 words.

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