My Secert

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Michael POV

I heard a knock on my door I opened it to see prince he had this look on his face so I let him inside

Prince POV

I came over to Michael house I needed to talk to him about something that's been on my mind I just hope that I'm right about it ...I found out something about him and why he isn't eating human food

Michael: ok

Prince: is it true that you're a vampire

Michael knew that he would find out the truth but he was a very honest

Michael: yes how did you find out

Prince: when I was over the other day I noticed something different you didn't eat any of the food the family made you had shades on you had an absence of reflection in a mirror

Michael: very detailed but it's true

Prince: why you didn't tell me

Michael: because I didn't want you to freak out about's against the rules

Prince knew what that meant when he said that it was illegal for a human to date a vampire

Michael: no I'm not breaking up with you

Prince: how did you know what I was thinking

Michael: we can read minds ...but don't worry no one is going to hurt you

Prince: how do I have that

Michael: Because you have me to protect you

Prince: ok

Michael looked away and continued on washing the dishes

Michael: but you can't tell anyone

Prince: ok

Michael: promise(his eyes got to him and he couldn't resist)

Prince: yes

Michael: good(looked away)

Prince: I need a moment(he came to the quest bathroom and took a deep breath)

Michael knew that his eyes got to prince and he became horny but it was ok it always happens he was about to head out

Prince: I wanna come with you

Michael: ok put this on

Prince: why

Michael: you said you didn't want anyone to know about our relationship so put this on nobody won't notice you

Prince: ok

They walked out and came to Los Angeles area prince began to think people noticed him

Michael: let's separate and meet back at the car in a hour

Prince nod his head and they went their separate ways it actually worked

Michael did some shopping he actually brought prince something nice to wear he knew his size in clothes ...Prince did the same thing as well

An Hour Later

Prince POV

I waited in the car that's when I seen Michael his plan actually worked I felt relieved

Michael POV

I came to the car and saw prince inside nobody knew that was prince but once we separated everything worked out now I'm heading back home

Michael: you ok

Prince: yes

Michael: ok

The award show was coming up Michael already knew that who the winner were of course

Prince knew the award show was coming up in Los Angeles he knew that Michael was going to be there

Night Time

Prince POV

I took a nap earlier but ended up falling asleep that's when I woke up

Michael POV

I was in my thoughts long and hard I've been through so much throughout my life deep down I'm in pain and have hurt in me but have a smile on my face I became stronger over the years loneliness became apart of my life

Prince came and saw Michael in the kitchen deep in thought Michael felt him

Prince: you ok

Michael: yes

Prince: you don't look like it

Michael: I'm fine just deep in thought

Prince: ok

Michael: come on let's go back go bed

He turned the light and they came back to bed

Michael fell asleep soon after prince cuddled next to him and went to sleep


Prince POV

I had to watch my face the dream I had felt like reality but I came back to bed Michael was so beautiful when he sleeps I couldn't help but adore him

Michael POV
He loves staring at me he knows I can feel him  hstaring at me but he fell back to sleep e

Prince turned the light off and came back to sleep

Next Morning

Prince POV

I was  drinking some tea while looking at Michael cleaning his car he was so handsome

Michael POV

Cleaning my baby up today needed a good wash of course

Once he was done there was trouble he came back in the house

Prince: this can't be happening

Michael: it's ok you have me

Michael had prince behind him he had a choice to change him or kill him prince knew how to defend himself but Michael told him that would make things worse

Prince: this can't be real

Michael: it is I can't force you to do anything you have to decide I can't change you just because they want me to

Prince: what if I don't want to do this

Michael: they will kill you( it hurt Michael to say that and prince noticed it) I need to be alone

Prince could tell that it hurt Michael to say that ...prince loved Michael he didn't want to lose him

Michael laid down staring at the ceiling in his thoughts he felt prince walking in laying on him

Prince: you ok

Michael: yes

Prince: this hurts you

Michael: I just can't handle doing that to people who don't deserve it

Prince: I know but it's ok

Michael: to me it's not

Prince was laying him but someone got excited prince notice and so did Michael

Michael POV

I knew that was going to happen I've gotten use to it

Prince POV

I can literally feel him right now didn't expect that to happen

Michael: you have to decide I can't choose for you

Prince: well I don't want to lose you

Michael: you won't that's why I said that

He sat up and they stared at each other ...He knew prince would think about it

They both fell asleep for the rest of the day and didn't want to be bothered by anybody

Next chapter is coming

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