Surprise Baby

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Michael POV

It is now 2010 and I'm going to surprise prince tonight I'm really excited to see him after taking a break here I go

Prince POV

I have a feeling that something good is going to happen tonight just don't know what it is

Michael had flowers for prince as he was getting ready to come on stage

Sheila came on stage and said that there was a surprise for prince

Once they said Michael name prince started crying he was so happy to see Michael again

Prince couldn't move a muscle but he came on stage and gave Michael the biggest hug ever ...he missed him so much

Michael gave him the flowers as prince was crying it was the best surprise ever

End Of Show

Prince POV

He surprised me I was so happy to see him again tonight was a very special to me I missed him so much since he's been gone

Michael POV

I knew it was the best surprise for him I missed him so much since I been gone

Once they walked inside Michael kissed prince it turned into them getting undressed and it was the best night for the both of them

Next Morning

Prince POV

I woke up and saw Michael asleep Ahh I missed that face so much he's so handsome when he sleeps I can't believe it's been 30yrs since we been married

Michael POV

It was the next morning I knew prince was staring at me I didn't have to be awake to know that but he's so cute it's been 30yrs since we been married can't believe it

Prince kissed Michael good morning and they laughed

Prince: I missed you so much

Michael: I know I missed you to

Prince got up to take his shower for today he was so happy that Michael was home ...Michael officially moved in with prince he doesn't have his neverland home anymore

Michael POV

I'm officially moved in with prince I don't have my home anymore it didn't feel like to me but since we're married I'm so happy that we live together now officially

Prince POV

Michael officially moved in with me his home back in California didn't feel like home to him anymore but so glade that my baby is back

Prince was so happy to have Michael back here and it felt good to be back ....

A Week Later

Michael POV

It's been a week since I returned back and I have been away from the public I retire from music but I know that my fans still loved me I've been in the spotlight since I was a little boy and I grow to hate it when I turned 30yrs old

Prince POV

Michael retired he was tired and needed rest so he was no longer performing or doing shows I knew he was sad about it but it had to be done but his health was important

From the 60's Up to now Michael has finally retired he enjoyed the idea of performing since he was a teenager but now he's older he still had fans all over the world and people still loved him ...Sony was now leaving him alone

Prince gave Michael a massage he was so tensed up from all the stress

Michael: thanks

Prince: your welcome you were really tense

Michael: I know

Michael has been his baby voice for a long time prince has never heard his real voice

Michael: Can I tell you something

Prince: yes

Michael: this is not my real voice

Prince was shocked to hear that he didn't know what to say

Prince: I thought it was

Michael: no I actually have a deep voice just never used it

Prince: why

Michael: wasn't allowed to things from my childhood

Prince: oh will I ever hear it

Michael: I don't know only comes out when I'm upset

Prince: ok that's fine just took me by surprise

Michael: I know But you'll hear it

Prince: ok

Michael was deep in thought about it should he let prince hear his real voice he always wanted to use it but he couldn't because of his childhood it would be nice to let it out his real voice was gone take some thinking

Prince really wanted to hear Michael real voice he thought he always talked like that but he didn't it would be nice to hear his actually talking voice

A Week Later

Michael POV

I decided that I will let prince hear my real voice I was really scared but here's goes nothing

Prince POV

It's been a week already that's when I seen Michael

Michael: Do you want to hear my real voice

Prince: yes

Michael: ok

Before he could say anything the telephone ringed it was Janet he was in the kitchen

Michael: sorry about that it was Janet

Prince: it's ok ...your going to let me hear it

Michael: yes I'm just really scared right now

Prince: it's ok

Michael took a deep breathe and stared at prince ...that's when he tried to do it but he couldn't

Michael: I can't do it ...I'm sorry

Prince knew his childhood haunted him

Next Day

Michael POV

I speaking with my real voice I was on the telephone talking about my retirement that's when I heard prince walking in

Prince POV

I made it home and I heard a voice I came into the kitchen oh my god ...Michael was talking with his natural voice was very Sexy to me

Prince: you used your real voice

Michael: yes I did(high pitched voice)

Prince: it's ok you sound sexy anyway

Michael: thanks

Prince: Can you talk like that for now

Michael: only for you

Prince: ok

Michael: but when people are only I can't use it they know me from this voice

Prince: that's fine I wouldn't want them to know about your real voice

Michael: I know

Prince was so happy that Michael used his real voice but they went to bed

Next chapter is coming

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