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I loved talking about my human life with mother and my siblings. But I felt a bit guilty because i didn't really tell them the whole truth. I promised Mother that once I get to America I must only focus on getting a full education and coming straight back home when i was finished. I got a bit bored of the studying of basic things like science, English, math etc so I had called Mother to tell her that I needed a few more years because ' I still lacked the general knowledge that I needed'. That was actually a complete lie. I actually went to study the France with my friends that I had made in America. I loved the arts. I knew that mother would not accept me leaving America for she wanted me coming straight home. I also knew that it was my only chance to discover new things and find peace with the fact that I had found something that I love. So I stayed in France for about four years where I learned to speak the language fluently and learned of the amazing culture that came from this European country.

It was actually getting harder to hide it though. When I'm in conversation with someone a bit of French slips out or my 'american' accent that I use doesn't really work with the words that I used. Before I got here I spent hours trying to perfect my accent to try an hide the fact that I had broken my promise that I made with Mother.

I was at the Dimitrescu castle sitting in the library. The weather was quite stormy and the wind that blew against the windows where as cold as ice. I found the library to be the warmest and relaxing part of the castle. I sat on a chair with my two legs dangling off the side. I didn't really care for books and reading. I could still read of course but I mostly prefer listening to the words. That why I loved music. I had my headphones on listening to music as I was playing on my phone. It was late and normally at this time everyone was sleeping. Alcina would either be asleep or working in her chambers. It was just me and the peaceful silence. As I began scrolling through my phone a particular song started to play. I hadn't realised but the soft hum that came from my lips became soft words.

I hadn't even realised the large figure standing near the door. I jumped when I felt the vibrations coming from her heels. I looked up to see a very curious lady Dimitrescu.

I took the headphones off my ears "I thought you were asleep" I said, my cheek flushed red with embarrassment.

" I would have said the same to you." I pulled out my phone to check the time. 'SHIT, it's like 3 o'clock!' I thought quickly getting and walking to the door trying to escape.

"Wait a minute young lady" the matriarch said making me stop in my tracks. I then turn back around to her. "Sit back down" I hesitated then went to the chair and sat.

"I know you are hiding something Y/n" I stared at her now with fear. She normally never uses my name only when it is really serious. I'm dead now. "How do you know French?" She questioned me with her eyes glue to my nervous face. "I-I took French classes" I lied through my teeth.

If anyone would tell mother it would either be Alcina or Moreau, mostly Moreau but it highly possible that Alcina will tell her.

She looked at me with disbelief and I began to shake even more with the fear consuming me as I look down at the floor "I know you that you are lying to me" I looked back at her. I inhale and.         "Ididn'tactuallyfinishmystudiesinamericaandiwenttoliveinfranceforfouryearstostudy" I blurted out while exhaling.

She look at me with a completely confused look on her face. Now more calm "I didn't actually finish my studies in America. I went to France instead with my friend and studied the art" the lady's face went from confused to interested.

"Why didn't you tell me before." I was completely shocked by her reaction. Normally it would be disappointment then a call to Mother Miranda. "Because I thought you were gonna tell Mother" I pouted at her causing a soft laugh to escape her lips.

She then place her two large hand on my head and gently squished my face. It was annoying but relaxing at the same time. "If I would have told her you would have been in trouble along time ago" I now looked at her confused.

"What, how?" I questioned. "My dear your 'American' accent is horrible, I surprised mother Miranda hasn't noticed" she then continued "Plus when we have conversations you slip into two languages." Now I was completely embarrassed.

Man I'm so dumb. How did I not notice it myself. " Now I need the full story and the full truth this time because I know when you lie, after that then you can go to bed."

I told her everything, from the arrival to my departure. And how I was discovering myself. She hummed at each detail that I had mentioned. It was actually quite refreshing to finally get that off my chest. It was like a weight being lifted off me. I finished my story "Wow, my love, quite the independent woman you have become." I blushed and hugged her leg(since that's the only thing I can really reach) "Thanks Alci" she looked completely confused but returned the favour anyway. She then lifted me up which was a weird because i felt a bit to old to be carried but Alcina could make anyone feel like a child with her height.   "I think it time for bed now"

She placed me on the bed where I threw open the covers to slide inside the warm bed. She tucked me in and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Good night my love"she whispered with a smile on her face "Good night Alci, don't stay up to late" I giggled she then bent down under the door closing it behind her. I closed my eye relaxing into the darkness and slowly lost consciousness.

Again didn't proof read and I don't own the cover. Also enjoy 😉

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